Chapter 129 Tokens
This is a token, rectangular, with the logo of 'Dragon Banner Sword Body' on the front and a large character 'Huo' on the back. Although it is in traditional Chinese characters, it did not bother Jiu Li.

"What's this?" Jiuli flipped around while holding the token.

The middle-aged man's complexion has begun to change, like an eggplant that has withered after seeing the sun.His poison has slowly seeped into his body.

"This is the token."

"Oh? Is it worth money?" Jiu Li looked up and down to see how much it was worth.

"I don't know if it's worth it or not. I haven't sold it! But if you need it, you won't be able to exchange it for ten thousand taels of gold. You can go in and out of the city freely with this." When the middle-aged man said this, his breath was already a little short.

"It can still be exchanged for money." After Jiu Li finished speaking, he put his hand into his arms and said, "Your? Why is there a word Huo?"

The middle-aged man paused for a while, and said out of breath, "I'm going to Xiahuojiang, people from the capital."

"The people in the capital are amazing?" Jiuli said to him, "Aren't you trapped in a trap today?"

Huo Jiang just laughed, he didn't have the strength to fight her anymore, he just said, "Stinky girl, pull me up quickly?"

Jiu Li stared at his face, and soon, his face collapsed, and his face became darker and darker.Jiuli knew that if he really fainted, it might be very troublesome to save him.While he was still conscious, Jiuli took out a rope from the back basket, threw it to him, and said, "Tie it around your waist, you're about to have a toxic attack, or I won't be able to save you."

Huo Jiang smiled slightly, tied the rope around his waist very slowly, and joked, "Didn't you plan to chat with me just now?"

When he said this, he slightly rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and the poison broke out, and he passed out.

Jiuli couldn't care less about anything else, and pulled him up with all her might.

He found a dry place to put him down. This is a forest, although it is small, because no one walks there all year round, and the branches here are luxuriant, so there is no sunlight.

It is no different from the virgin forest, it is wet everywhere, and it is difficult to find a place to save people.Jiuli had no choice but to take out the sulfur from the small medicine box and light it around.At least the poisonous snake will not come.

He quickly treated the poison on his body, and then found a big branch from the tree, like a broom, tied him to it, and pulled him out of the grove.

After leaving the grove, he hasn't woken up yet, but his complexion is very good, and he has been detoxified.

He lay there, breathing evenly, sleeping soundly.Jiu Li waited for him there for a while, but there was no sign of waking up.

Jiu Li looked up at the sky, it was almost noon.She still has to go to the hospital, so she can't wait here for too long.

But he slept here alone, and she felt that something was wrong.

After thinking about it, she simply tied him to a tree, a big willow tree at the head of the village, and she hung him up on a thick willow branch.

She hung him on a tree branch, and after walking a long way, he didn't wake up.

Jiu Li shook his head helplessly, and said to himself, "It's fortunate that she walked away, otherwise he might have slept until noon."

Jiuli ran all the way, when she stood at the door of the medical hall, she felt the people watching the excitement behind her boil.Like ants on a hot pan.

No one stood there quietly, some stood on the ox cart, some stood on the branches, some stood on the baskets, looking ahead with relish.

Jiuli said to himself, "Is there a stage in front?"

(End of this chapter)

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