Chapter 140 The Man Behind
After Xiaoqi stood still, he collected himself, pointed to the third room next to the stairs, and said, "The shopkeeper is there." Before Xiaoqi could finish speaking, Huo Jiang rushed out and walked to the third room in a few steps. The door of the room, kicked open the door of that room.

Shopkeeper Liu was so frightened that he shivered on the bed. Although he was huddled under the quilt, he didn't close his eyes for a moment, and kept listening to the outside with his ears up.

He could clearly hear the angry words of Huo Jiang and Xiao Qi just now.

"Are you the shopkeeper of this medical center?" Huo Jiang rushed over, lifted his quilt at once, revealing the trembling shopkeeper Liu curled up there.

He was wearing obscene clothes, and gauze was wrapped all over his body, especially his wrists, which were supported by wooden sticks, as if his wrists were broken.

Huo Jiang wouldn't care about this, the shopkeeper of a small medical center in a remote place dared to beat her daughter?Are you impatient?

He picked up shopkeeper Liu who was trembling on the bed, and threw him down on the bed.Pointing at him, he said angrily, "Who gave you the courage to bully our family's Shiyu? Don't you know the carriage? Or have you guessed her identity and did it on purpose? Or someone instigated you to bully our Houfu ?”

Shopkeeper Liu could no longer speak, so he waved his hands repeatedly and shook his head vigorously.

Jiang Hai came in at this time. When Huo Jiang came in, a guard hurried over and whispered something in his ear.

Jiang Hai walked in quickly, without approaching Huo Jiang, and said, "Master Hou, someone came to report just now, saying that the lady's guards were all killed."

"They were all killed?" When Huo Jiang said this, his deep eyes were fixed on shopkeeper Liu, and his breath began to become messy.Clenched fists with both hands, making a 'creak' and 'creak' sound.

He wanted to chop shopkeeper Liu, but just tried it, he doesn't know any martial arts, if he is a master of martial arts, it's fine.The two had a hearty fight, and it would be easy to pinch shopkeeper Liu to death, but he was definitely not behind it.

There happened to be a chair next to him, he took a long breath, then sat on it, picked up the cup next to him and took a glass of water to drink.

His throat was starting to smoke, and he hadn't eaten anything since receiving the signal from Huo Shiyu.Not a drop of water got in.

A waiter had already brought tea and rice, and it was specially brought from the VIP room.

Huo Jiang signaled Jiang Hai to sit down too, and the two of them chatted with shopkeeper Liu while eating without saying anything.

"The guards of our Huo family are not ordinary people, let alone you mountain bandits who can be dealt with in a short time. Just tell the person who instructed you behind the scenes." Huo Jiang ate the man and brought it up. while chatting with the shopkeeper.

Anyway, he can't run away, and it's useless to kill him, it's better to slowly draw out the people behind him.

Shopkeeper Liu watched Huo Jiang and the two gulping down their meals, and felt instantly relieved, at least he wouldn't be beaten to death.

Huo Shiyu's guards were all killed by Jiu Li, so he can't betray Miss Ruan, can he?As long as she was there, even the Hou Ye in front of him would have nothing to do with her.

It's just that Lord Hou may not be able to beat Jiuli.

He had seen Jiuli's tricks clearly for a long time. When she hit someone now, she didn't use all her strength at all.Hou Ye is not necessarily her opponent, but he can't directly talk about Jiuli, how should he lead Jiuli to him?

(End of this chapter)

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