Chapter 15 Selling Herbs

Even though Jiuli got up late, the things in her basket were all prepared by her last night. Many of them were wrapped with old clothes or firewood, and water was sprinkled on them.

She placed medicinal herbs, fungi, and mushrooms separately. Some of the fresh herbs were still stained with water droplets, glowing in the sun, dotted with stars, and instantly attracted many people.

They chattered around in front of Jiuli to ask the price.

Jiu Li didn't know the price either, as much as others sold it, she got it.Her sales are better than others, and she is new here, so she doesn't understand the price, so she doesn't mind if it is lowered for her, and sometimes she doesn't say anything if there is a little bit of silver.In this way, many customers surrounded her stall.

The herbs in front of her were quickly robbed.

Jiuli was only there for a short time, and the things in front of her were sold out.Finally, when she was packing the basket, she found a few herbs left in it.It was not worth selling, so I gave it to the aunt next to me, and the god took it without paying attention.

Jiu Li was carrying an empty back basket, and then wandered around the market. She went to the grain and oil place first, and bought some daily necessities such as oil and salt. talk about it later.When Jiuli went back, the basket was already full.

She felt that this was her first business, and she returned home with a lot of rewards. On the way, she couldn't help humming a ditty.

When she was lying in bed at night, she actually dreamed again.

She was surprised when she woke up, the things in the dream were so clear, as if it happened in front of her.The boy in the dream is very familiar, but he can't remember who he is.

If she guessed correctly, this was the second time he had asked her for help. After a few days in this world, she dreamed of the same person twice.

The first time I dreamed, judging from the situation in the dream, it should have been in summer, and there are still several months from now.But judging from the dream last night, it was clearly now.The dream is ahead of time.

She looked up at the morning light in the leaves, the morning light passed through the branches of the dense trees, leaving mottled shadows on the ground.There is no watch here, and everything can only be judged by sunlight.

Fortunately, there is still time.The time shown in the dream should be when the sun is overhead.There are still several hours.

Jiuli went to the kitchen to find the pannier she wove, and threw the black bag into it.I brought the dry food I prepared last night, which I planned to eat when I went to the mountains to collect herbs.In order not to be enough, she brought a few more this time.Fill the jug with water.

For the convenience of collecting herbs, she also bought a rope at the market yesterday, so that many good medicinal materials can be collected from the cliffs.

When she was at home, she had already planned what to do, step by step, and no mistakes could be made in any step, which saved a lot of time.So, at this time, she went straight to the top of the mountain.She wants to deal with the group of men in black first, and then go down the mountain to rescue the gorgeous boy.

She looked for countless ways to reach the top of the mountain in her memory, and finally chose the shortest one.

That road can get close to the top of the mountain the fastest, but it is very dangerous. It needs to climb a very steep section of the mountain. There are not only poisonous snakes on that section of the mountain, but also poisonous gas.On the question of whether to take this dangerous mountain road, Jiu Li thought about it all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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