When Jiuli, Sankui and Qilang were busy at home, my aunt was not idle either.She is touching the leaf card.

Her leaf card was designed by Jiuli and made by Shichiro.Basically, it is ground out bit by bit with wooden blocks, and it feels very comfortable to hold in the hand.

My aunt is very satisfied with this leaf card.

Jiuli's room faces east from west, and three rooms were built on the westernmost side. The first west room near his aunt was lived by Qilang. The middle room is currently vacant, but it has complete beds and bedding.It's all placed by Jiuli.Every time she came back from the market, she had to come back with something.

Qilang made a bed at home, added a wardrobe, a cabinet, and a chair, and Jiuli added some bedding. Basically, the house can be occupied at any time.

When there is nothing to do, there is always someone cleaning and cleaning the house.It is also very comfortable to live in.

Jiuli lived in the third room on the west side of the house, close to the fence connecting the gate.But there is still some space between the fence wall and Jiuli's house. Jiuli built another room, which is filled with branches and wood piled up by Qilang. It is also full, but it is not messy to walk in. .

There is also a sun room built at the same position on the opposite side, which is a sun room that can be ventilated everywhere.This is specially built for my aunt to rest and bask in the sun.

In this way, the scale of Jiuli's small courtyard has expanded again.Three principal rooms.The aunt who lives in the west room is Sankui in the east room.The one in the middle is the main hall for eating.

Sankui originally asked my aunt to live in the east room, but my aunt didn't want to part with the soft couch in the west room, she couldn't survive, so she had to give up.

In this way, there are four rooms on the west side and four rooms on the east side.There are eight rooms in total, all of which were built later.The original small kitchen was located in the east courtyard, but Jiuli moved it to the location leading to the backyard.Basically, it is on the same level as the three main rooms.

The location of Jiuli's house is already remote, it can be regarded as the outskirts of the village. When Mrs. Ruan and Mrs. Ruan chose the small courtyard location for Jiuli, they wanted to send her away.

The place is vast and sparsely populated.There are almost no people in the front and back.No one cares about how Jiu Li wants to expand her family.

There are only two in her backyard.

The first backyard is for growing some fruits and vegetables, and the well is also in this yard.The second backyard, which was expanded later, is connected by a moon gate.It was used by Jiuli to practice martial arts, and it was a very flat field.During the day, Shichiro does carpentry here.

This backyard was originally a grove, but there were many trees. After being surrounded by Jiuli, the redundant trees were cut down, and a few houses in front were built, and a few trees were selectively left.Now the white horse is tied here.

At the beginning, the house didn't even have a clean room.Anyway, the little fool used to solve it everywhere, either in the yard, in the house, or in the back yard.

If you get too close to this small courtyard, the smell is stinky.Later, Jiuli also followed the example of others and built a latrine outside.Since my aunt came, I always felt that it was inconvenient to go out.

Although this house is located in a remote place, no matter how remote it is, it is only a village head, there are still many people wandering past the door. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jiuli built a latrine in the first back yard .

When there is nothing to do, my aunt hardly needs to go out.

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