Qu Feng's house is on the west side of Jiuli's house, separated by a road and a small open space.Besides, there were no other houses nearby.When Qu Feng was free, he went out for a walk along this small path on the west side of Jiuli's house.You can almost see the whole picture of Jiuli's house.

Jiuli's house is surrounded by fences, and the fences are covered with things, such as cucumbers, morning glory, mountainsides, and rabbit silk grass she brought back from the mountains.Some are edible, some are Chinese herbal medicine, which can relieve some chronic diseases.

The surroundings of Jiuli's house are filled with the fragrance of flowers, some are sweet and some are strong.Although her small yard is in a remote suburb, since Jiuli was reborn.A lot of people deliberately detoured past her door.

There are many people just to smell the fragrance of flowers on the fence of her house.

"Mother, do you smell the fragrance?" Qu Feng asked her mother-in-law when she was only a few steps away from the backyard.

"Where is it?" the mother-in-law asked, sniffing vigorously, groping forward.

"Just one more step forward."

The two finally got close to the fence, and to the place where Jiu Lishang was picking herbs.The rich fragrance came instantly, sweet and refreshing with the warm afternoon wind.

The mother-in-law leaned against the fence, half-closed her eyes, and sniffed vigorously with her nose. After a while, she nodded slowly and said, "Is it really that smell?"

Qu Feng was very strange, opened his mouth wide and said, "Mother, do you know this kind of herbal medicine? Have you smelled it before? This is the first time I know it since I grew up."

The mother-in-law didn't answer her, just kept sniffing her nose, enjoying herself standing there.

Jiuli had just had lunch, and it was rare for the whole family to sit together and eat in broad daylight, so she cooked a few dishes, and everyone was very satisfied.She is washing dishes in the front yard.From a distance, I saw Qu Feng holding her mother-in-law walking along the fence of her house towards the backyard along the path.

She also entered the backyard carrying the barrel.

In the wooden barrel is Xiaobai's lunch, Jiuli's specially prepared feed.She put the barrel in front of Xiao Bai.Xiao Bai suddenly stood up energetically.

Jiuli patted its mane, indicating that it was time for lunch.

It was at this time that Qu Feng saw Jiu Li in the back yard, and shouted loudly, "Jiu Li!"

Jiuli looked around and saw the two of them standing outside the fence, where she was drying the herbs, and her mother-in-law was standing there motionless with her back facing the herbs.

Jiuli walked over.

The mother-in-law gave Qu Feng a hard look, and whispered, "Speak up!"

Qu Feng pouted, looking very aggrieved.

Jiuli looked at Qu Feng, and asked casually, "Have you eaten?"

Qu Feng just smiled at Jiu Li, without answering, she was looking at her mother-in-law, afraid that she would say something wrong again.

Jiu Li walked a few steps, and stood still at the place where the herbs were dried, and Qu Feng's eyes also settled on those herbs, his eyes sparkled, and there was a faint blush on his face.Like very excited.

At this moment, the mother-in-law turned around slowly, and stood facing Jiuli across the fence.The distance between the two is very close.We can feel each other's breath.

Jiu Li looked at her from such a close distance, her figure was straight, her frame was tough, her eyes were deep, her spirit was hale and hearty, how could she look like a paralyzed patient?Such an ordinary mountain village old lady, what is she hiding so deeply for?
"Is everything alright?" She stared into Jiu Li's eyes, without any opening remarks, that's all.It's like meeting old friends.

Jiuli just blinked her eyes and stared at her, without any reply or any superfluous expression.Secretly said, "Did she admit the wrong person?"

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