In the end, there was a person, the old man who drove the car, who told Jiuli's grandfather that he grew up with his butt naked. He once drank the tea made by Jiuli several times in the shed halfway up the mountain.

After a while, he walked to the front of the crowd, then slowly pointed to the front, and said, "That silly girl's house is in the southwest corner, at the very front. Follow this road and walk forward until you can't see it." It’s gone, turn right, it’s almost there.”

Xiao Qi turned his face and thanked the old man a thousand times. When the driver saw his face, he suddenly pointed at his face and said, "Are you a fellow of the Renhe Medical Center in the town?"

Xiaoqi was startled, and said to himself, "I'm so famous? Do all the drivers in the village know me?" But he didn't say anything, just smiled.He nodded and said, "Master, do you know me?"

The uncle raised his eyebrows, stared at his eyes, raised his voice, and said excitedly, "I am a famous person from Xianxia Village to the town. From the top of Xianxia Mountain to the foot of the mountain, there are people who don't know me, Lao Ruan. ?"

Xiao Qi took out a few pieces of silver from his pocket, which was told by the shopkeeper Liu when he went out. If he asked for directions, he could reward him with a few pieces of silver.

Xiaoqi was reluctant to take it out, but the uncle Ruan in front of him was squatting in front of the carriage, as if he couldn't talk and couldn't get out.Xiao Qi was scared, he had to go back to town before night.Where is the time to listen to him talk here?

His posture is bound to tell him all the experience of driving a car for so many years from childhood to adulthood, where does he have time.So he took out the Broken Silver Way, "Uncle Ruan, don't worry about it. When you go to town, go to our medical center and find our shopkeeper Liu for tea."

He thought to himself, shopkeeper Liu's friends are all over the world, and they have everything from three religions to nine streams, and there is no shortage of this coachman, so it doesn't matter if there is another one.

When Lao Ruan saw Sui Yin, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said, "Is it worth it for just one sentence?" But his hand betrayed him, and he quickly took it over, and put it in his arms. , as if afraid that Xiaoqi would regret it.

It was the first time in Xiao Qi's life that he was so rich, and he felt distressed.If he didn't hurry up and leave, he would regret it.

After both of them got into the carriage, Xiao Qi turned his head and said to Qu Er who was in the carriage, "My lord, do you know that old Mr. Ruan?"

"Just call me brother. I'm not a father. I'm also a child of a poor family from this kind of place." Qu Er responded to him, and then said with a smile, "He drove a car when I was young, and I've seen him a few times. , he probably doesn’t know me anymore.”

"Brother is getting more and more handsome!" Xiao Qi's mouth is very sweet, and he has already become familiar with Qu Er along the way, and now he calls out one brother at a time.The carriage rushed forward with a "da" and "da", and the two were talking and laughing in the carriage.The two hit it off very much.

Sure enough, after several turns, he finally arrived at Jiuli's house.

Seeing such a magnificent house in Jiuli's house, Qu Er didn't dare to think that his home is on the west side, so he and Xiao Qi got off the carriage at the gate of Jiuli.

Such an imposing carriage stopped at the door of Jiuli's house, and a group of brats came from behind.Since Erdan was beaten in front of her house, these children rarely came.This group of brats are very smart, and they know that they can't get any benefits from her.

They didn't dare to bully Jiuli anymore, and the way they looked at Jiuli now was different from before.This time it was purely attracted by Xiao Qi's carriage.

They gathered around the carriage, chattering, watching what the carriage was going to do when it parked here.He didn't dare approach Jiuli's gate either.

Jiu Li was standing in the yard patting the quilt, seeing a carriage parked at the door, she stopped her movements.Holding a thin bamboo pole, he walked out.

The group of children backed away again and again in fright, thinking that they were coming to beat them.

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