Qu Er went back to the carriage and brought back a few oiled paper packets, which he bought as a gift for Qu Feng's mother-in-law and planned to give some to Jiu Li.

Among the many oiled paper bags, Jiuli only accepted one, which contained beef jerky, which was her favorite food.When she sent Qu Er out of the gate, she took a deep breath with the oiled paper bag and said, "It's delicious beef, my favorite beef jerky."

Qu Er was also taken aback, as if he had thought of something, and said, "My mother likes to buy beef jerky."

"Love to buy?" Jiu Li was puzzled, frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking, "Don't you love to eat?"

Qu Er shook his head vigorously, and said meaningfully, "She doesn't like beef very much, and neither do we. But she likes to buy it very much. As long as the family has a little savings, she will buy beef jerky and put it in the There."

Jiuli's heart seemed to be touched, and her eyes were a little sour. This should have nothing to do with her, right?What is the reason for a very poor peasant woman to keep buying beef jerky that she doesn't like and keep it there?
Qu Erxiang didn't pay attention to Jiuli's expression.

He turned around with a big bag and a small bag with a smile, and walked towards his own direction.Jiuli just stood at the door and watched him off, but didn't walk forward with him.He should have a reunion that belongs to him alone.

Then he turned and walked into his yard.

Xiao Qi had already stood up in the sun room, and when Jiu Li and Qu Er were standing outside pushing each other, he didn't go out. He felt that since Qu Er followed him into Jiu Li's house, he naturally had his Reason, he didn't want to bother them.Just as he actually had something to say to Jiuli, he didn't want others to disturb him.

"Miss Ruan." He greeted Jiuli with a smile, and said, "It's getting late, I think I should go back."

Jiuli looked up at the sky, but didn't hold him back, just nodded, then looked at the pile of gifts he brought, and said, "Take some of these things back?"

Because the cashier spent a lot of silver taels, and Xiao Qi also bought a lot of things, except for the place where Qu Er was sitting, the carriage was basically full of him.The gift Qu Er chose was also his silver tael, which was ordered by shopkeeper Liu.

Xiaoqi didn't know when it was taken out, and they were all piled up in the sun room, like a hill, blocking part of the sunlight.

"This is for my aunt, Qilang, and brother-in-law." Xiaoqi's mouth is very clever. When Jiuli was making noodles, he had already run around the yard. At that time, his aunt was in the backyard and he was very attentive. In the past, I gave my aunt a massage, and learned about Jiuli's family situation by the way.The main thing is how many people there are in the family and what hobbies each person has.

Since it was given to them, Jiu Li didn't refuse, but just smiled and said, "You will not be rewarded for no merit. Is shopkeeper Liu doing anything?"

Xiao Qi shook his head quickly, with a natural and calm expression, as if nothing happened.

Jiuli pursed her lips and just smiled.

When Xiao Qi was delivered to the door, Jiu Li watched him turn the carriage around, and she asked again, "Xiao Qi, the shopkeeper asked you to come here today, is there really nothing else?"

Xiaoqi agreed very happily, as if she really had nothing else to do, just came here for a stroll.

Jiuli knows shopkeeper Liu very well, just as shopkeeper Liu knows her very well. The business between them is clearly marked. If you want her medicinal materials, you will need to pay extra, as much as you want.The transaction between them is very simple, neither messy nor involved.

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