Qu Er slowly opened the door with his big and small bags.Push open the small wooden door of their house.You just came out of such a magnificent courtyard in Jiuli's house, and you're not used to walking into your own courtyard, aren't you?
The yard is still the same as it was eight years ago. There are three barrel rooms in front of it. The easternmost one is for sleeping people, and the westernmost one is for cooking pots, pans, ladles, etc., as well as piles of firewood.

Surrounded by fenced yard walls.

The fence seems to be more dilapidated.It has been a long time, and there are holes in many places, and dogs, cats and the like can get in.Some vines are sparsely scattered on it.It's like it hasn't been taken care of for a long time.

Qu Er felt a little sad when he saw this.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the camellia tree at home, which is very thick and large, and has been around for decades.It has been well protected, the camellias are full of trees, and the fragrance is everywhere.

Qu Er remembered that when he was a child, he and his elder brother often played under the camellia tree.Once, the elder brother couldn't help climbing up, and the mother beat him to pieces. From then on, neither of the two children dared to climb the camellia tree.

Later, they simply built a fence around the camellia tree. Except for watering and weeding the camellia tree, they never climbed the tree again.

The tree is getting bigger and bigger, and it smells fragrant every year, but it's a pity that Qu Da is gone.

Thinking of this, Qu Er actually choked up.The choking sound became louder and louder, and then it turned into crying, very sad crying.

Granny Qu Feng came out of the house leaning on crutches, and the crutches hit the ground, making a 'pop', 'pop', and 'pop' sound.Qu Er raised his head and looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Who is it?" Granny Qu Feng choked up and called out.

"Mother!" Qu Er said, and ran over, throwing himself into the arms of old lady Qu.At this moment, the two mothers hugged each other and cried for a long time before they separated.

Qu Feng didn't know when, but he was already standing behind.Qu Er looked at her, she was round again, fair skin, plump face, watery eyes, no makeup, but looked so comfortable and kind.For so many years of fighting, he stopped thinking about her all the time.

I finally met the person I was thinking of.He wiped away his tears, tried his best to force a smile, and just said, "Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?" Qu Feng just looked at him straight, he has grown into a strong man, burly and masculine, Qu Feng stared at him, couldn't help lowering his head, a little shy.

Qu Feng is a child bride, about the same age as Qu Er, but actually has a better relationship with Qu Er.It's just that Qu Da was ill at that time, and the Taoist priest of Xianxia Temple said that if he was blessed by one person, his health might be better.

In such a poor family, who would want to marry a sick child to make him happy?

Naturally, I thought of Qu Feng. At that time, Qu Feng cried for a long time, and Qu Er also cried.It's just that both of them accepted the arrangement of fate, they just walked and stopped, as if they met again.

"How many days will you stay at home this time?" Mrs. Qu suddenly turned around and asked.The two woke up from the trance in an instant, and turned to look at Mrs. Qu.

"It's not a few days, maybe tomorrow." Qu Er replied.

Mrs. Qu nodded, and then said to Qu Feng, "Hurry up and cook the noodles! Qu Er must be tired and hungry as he walks here."

Qu Er felt that his stomach was already full, if he put any more, he might spit it out.But he didn't say anything, just nodded, clutching his stomach and said, "I'm really a little hungry."

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