The stone hit Ruan Wuniang's teeth suddenly, and she was bleeding profusely, and she couldn't say a word.

She could only watch helplessly as Jiu Li slowly disappeared from her sight.She wanted to scold but couldn't, so she could only stare blankly.

Ruan Wuniang was hanged here early in the morning, and soon attracted many people from the mountains.

Jiuli Diaoren is not polite, basically it is the tallest and thinnest branch on the tree, climbing, unable to climb; enough, but out of reach.I can only look anxiously.

Ruan Wuniang is the number one beauty in Xianxia Village, the dream lover of many sons and daughters, and she was hung on a high tree branch in such a state of embarrassment today, with her mouth full of blood.Could it be that he seduced someone's young husband and was hanged and beaten by his wife?How else to explain it?
The rumor spread ten or ten times, and it quickly spread in the village.That is, Ruan Wuniang seduced someone's young husband, was discovered by his daughter-in-law, and was hanged here afterwards.

Ruan Wuniang just saw everyone's contemptuous looks at her, and then a few aggressive women in the village spat at her and cursed, "Fox! Bah!"

"Damn! Serve it right!"

Ruan Wuniang was hung there, she was in a daze, she didn't know anything.

When Mrs. Ruan found out about this, she was drying camellias at home, and Mama Sang ran back with a basket, and yelled loudly when she entered the door, "It's not good, it's not good, something happened!"

At that time, Mrs. Ruan was passing by the yard, and when she saw Mama Sang running in a hurry, she said in a very calm tone, "Speak slowly, speak slowly, the sky won't fall."

Mama Sang dropped the basket and immediately started to choke up, wiping the tears on her face and saying, "The sky will not fall, but something happened. Ruan Wuniang was hanged to a tree."

Sang's mother sat down on the ground, pinched her ankle and burst into tears.Mrs. Ruan came back from the backyard, and when she saw Mama Sang crying so emotionally, she was puzzled and said, "Ah Sang, what's the matter? Tell me quickly?"

Mrs. Ruan saw Sang's mother crying like this, and she also had a premonition that something was wrong.This morning, when Mrs. Ruan Er came home, she scolded Jiuli as a loser, and Ruan Dalang didn't even have an ox cart, so he had to rent a donkey from the old Ruan's family for ten dongs, and just sent Ruan Dalang away. Did something happen again?
"What's wrong with Da Lang?" Mrs. Ruan was not so nervous yet, after all, the matter between Da Lang and Jiu Li was not a day or two, and it was not a big deal even if it was just a matter of riding an ox cart.Not to the point of crying like this.

Sang's mother touched her tears again, and said as she cried, "It's not Dalang, it's Wuniang."

"Huh?" Mrs. Ruan couldn't believe it.Among the children of the Ruan family.The top boy is Ruan Dalang, he is really good, and he is really good at reading; the best among girls is Ruan Wuniang, she is really smart and can do things.

These two children are the only ones who don't worry about being bullied when they go out. They are smart enough to deal with the people around them.It's good that they don't bully others when they go out.

Basically, it is impossible for others to bully them.Why did you change the wind direction today?What happened to these two children?
"Wu Niang was hanged on a tree, a very tall tree. Everyone tried several times, but no one could save her." Sang's mother continued to cry, "The key The rumors circulating in the village are simply unbearable. They are insulting our Wu Niang. How can our Wu Niang be like that? It was all spread by the mourner!"

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