After these few rounds, my aunt's body became much more comfortable. She stood up suddenly, looked at her intently and said, "You are very professional? I have been with Lili for so long, and she has never helped me recover like this."

Mrs. Qu smiled and said, "It's because she loves you and is just reluctant."

"This girl." At the mention of Jiuli, my aunt's heart was warm and sweet.

The two practiced for a while, and my aunt felt better, and it was time for breakfast, so she invited Mrs. Qu to have breakfast with her.

Mrs. Qu was unwilling to die.

However, her aunt insisted on this, so she had no choice but to give up.It's just that when she was eating, Mrs. Qu lamely served her food, served her food, and took the bowls and chopsticks.

Jiuliwen's scallion pancakes and eggs in the pot are both hot and delicious.

Mrs. Qu didn't eat a bite. When my aunt was eating, she just sat there peeling eggs, peeled both of them, and put them on the plate in front of my aunt.

The aunt didn't think too much, and said while eating, "Didn't everyone have one in the morning before? Why are there two today?"

Mrs. Qu didn't speak, she even poured some sauces for her and served her respectfully.

My aunt didn't feel awkward at all, she sat there with peace of mind and ate two eggs and one pancake.

Three young daughters-in-law came in talking and laughing, and entered the sun room.The aunt stood up excitedly and said, "I'm full."

After that, he took steps and ran towards the sun room.

Mrs. Qu also stood up and wanted to help her over, but was rejected by her aunt, saying, "You haven't eaten yet, you can eat."

"Okay." Mrs. Qu had no choice but to sit down, looking at her aunt all the time, until she entered the sun room, and then she slowly ate the scallion pancake.

Jiu Li came in at this time.

Mrs. Qu was sitting in the main room, when she saw Jiu Li coming in, she stood up immediately and said, "Send them to the ox cart, isn't it a quick thing? Why is it so slow today?"

Jiuli entered the room, looked at Mrs. Qu eating scallion pancakes, and said, "Are there any eggs in the pot?"

Mrs. Qu just nodded and didn't say anything else.Jiuli turned her head to look at the pile of eggshells on the table, then said nothing, and turned to go out.

At this time, Mrs. Qu suddenly asked, "Do you know that aunt at home?"

One of Jiuli's feet stepped out of the threshold, while the other foot was still inside the room.She was puzzled at the time, turned slightly, and said, "She was injured in the mountains and bitten by a poisonous snake, so I brought it back. She seems to have lost her memory, do you know her?"

When Mrs. Qu heard these words, she stared at Jiu Li suddenly.Jiuli looked at her at close range again, her eyes were deep and clear, not the eyes of an old lady at all, but she felt old-fashioned.

Jiu Li felt a little panicked in his heart, but he really didn't have the confidence.

"No," she finished, lowered her head, and continued to eat the scallion pancake in her hand.

When Jiuli stepped out of the threshold, he let out a long sigh of relief, and said to himself, "Fortunately, I didn't live with her for a long time. Why is it that there is no beginning and no end when talking about it? It's so sudden One sentence is really unbearable."

Jiuli walked into her room, packed up the small medicine box, and put it in the small back basket.He took another purple shirt, folded it neatly, and put it in.

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