Jiuli was afraid that others would not see her, so she deliberately turned around on the road outside the wall a few times, deliberately making a loud noise. After a few laps, someone finally shouted loudly, "Little fool! Little fool is outside the yard !"

Jiuli deliberately took a few steps forward and stood in a particularly empty place, so that they could see himself clearly.

"Kill the little fool!" Someone in the crowd yelled.Everyone looked at Jiuli in unison, and then a few strong men rushed towards Jiuli as if they were flying.

Jiuli turned around slowly, didn't run too fast, just moved a foot away from them.

Just one step away from catching her, someone behind shouted excitedly, "Quick! Grab her! Grab her! Divide the money evenly."

With the exciting shouts, the people behind became more and more excited, and then someone simply threw a stick to chase Jiuli.Jiuli didn't use all his strength at all, but deliberately led them away.

When they were far away from her, she deliberately slowed down so that they could visually catch up with her; when they were close to her, she stepped up to keep pace with them. distance.

Just like this, they ran in the village step by step. They only had Jiuli in their eyes. They could catch up with them by reaching out several times, but they chased more than half of the village, and they still kept such a distance.

Someone in front was already gasping for breath.But they dare not stop?
These are all strong men in the village, right?They were specially selected, and some of them were Ruan Wuniang's admirers. If they couldn't even catch up with a girl, how could they be embarrassed in the village in the future?

How will I face Jiu Li's handsome face in the future?

They didn't dare to say it when they were tired, and they still chased desperately.

However, Jiuli ran more and more courageously. She took a breath and practiced kung fu at the same time. She regarded it as a kung fu exercise.

Shopkeeper Liu's carriage has already arrived at the well in the village. Many people have gathered here, but the most talked about thing is that Ruan Wuniang was hung from a tree.

Xiao Qi parked the carriage on the side of the road, and deliberately approached a few women who were chatting.

Shopkeeper Liu sat inside and didn't dare to come out. If there is any news, you can know it right away here, and Xiao Qi also got in. He is also a big man anyway.

Sitting in front of the carriage, listening to these women chatting about these things, it is always ugly to say it.

Besides, the ten miles and eight villages of Renhe Medical Center is also a famous place, right?
He is now a big celebrity in shopkeeper Liu's heart. Shopkeeper Liu has wrapped himself around Jiuli, and he feels that he always has to walk here, and he may need to show his face from time to time.

The image of himself in women's hearts still needs to be maintained, so the two sneaked into the carriage, neither of them spoke, but listened carefully to the movement outside.

Shopkeeper Liu was leaning against the window of the carriage, a corner of the curtain had been raised, and he could clearly look outside.

Xiao Qi sat side by side with him, approaching the window on the other side, and glanced outside from time to time, but neither of them spoke.

"The fifth lady of the Ruan family looks like a flower. Who do you think is so cruel to hang her on a tree?" A woman stood there, holding an embroidery needle, and putting the needle on her own. There was a light rubbing between the hair, repeating this sentence from time to time.

Finally, there was a woman's loud voice, and she said without hesitation, "Who else can it be? That big fool of the Ruan family?"

"Hey! With such a thing at the stall, don't even think about being clean in this life."

"Didn't you invite a good Taoist priest from Xianxia Temple? It is said that after getting married, it would be nice to have a husband. This husband also has one, why is she still like that?"

"Hey! A person with an evil nature, do you still expect her to change?"

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