Shopkeeper Liu was sitting in the carriage, poking his head out, not thinking about anything, just staring outside.

I don't know how long it took before I heard someone yelling from the women outside, "Look quickly, it's back again."

"One, two, three, four, seven. There are only seven people this time." After finishing speaking, a woman shouted in doubt, "Didn't it be eleven when we passed by just now?"


Shopkeeper Liu squinted his long eyes, turned his head to look at Xiao Qi, and said with a smile, "How is it? There are four down in this circle."

Xiao Qi raised the curtain with one hand, and also looked straight outside, pointing at Jiuli in astonishment, "Look at Miss Ruan, she still seems to be stepping on cotton, without any effort."

Shopkeeper Liu just sat there laughing, staring at Jiuli closely.Some meaningfully said, "What is this called? This is called self-deprecation. Miss Ruan has already shown her face. At that time, the dozen or so guards of Huo Shiyu were taken to the area of ​​the broken alley, and they only circled around. None of them came back alive. How could Miss Ruan have the leisure to tease them? It’s been two laps, and they still can’t see anything?”

After Jiu Li and the others disappeared in a certain corner, Xiao Qi slowly turned her head, looked at shopkeeper Liu, and said, "None of them have as good eyesight as the master."

Shopkeeper Liu didn't know whether it was a good word or a bad word, but he gave Xiao Qi a hard look, then nodded and said, "Your master knows countless people. You can know what kind of person at a glance, no matter how deep the hiding is, You can see it too."

"Slapping" Xiaoqi's words after the novel were "flattering", but he didn't say it, he just turned his head and looked out the window leisurely.

Sure enough, when Jiuli turned back again, there were only three people around him, and four more went down.

Shopkeeper Liu was sitting in the car, squinting his eyes and smiling. He looked up at the sky, and the sunlight in the morning light was shining through the dense branches and casting down on the ground, leaving mottled shadows. He couldn't help saying, "It's still early." .”

Xiao Qi turned to look at shopkeeper Liu, and said with some doubts, "Master, do you mean how many more laps can they run? How few people get down?"

"You bastard, I didn't say that." Shopkeeper Liu glared at him, still glancing outside from time to time.This time there was no loud noise, no noise, no footsteps.There are not so many people anymore.

The two waited in the car for a while, and there was no movement around, as if what happened just now had passed.Shopkeeper Liu frowned tightly, as if talking to himself, "It shouldn't be, what about people?"

The two of them sat in the car and looked around anxiously. They just went to watch the excitement, so what if Miss Ruan got tired and lay down?

Isn't this within the scope of their consideration just now?If Jiuli also fainted.They backtracked, can Huo Jiang spare them?

Even Huo Jiang can let them go.It's Miss Huo Shiyu, can you let them go?There are many people crowded by the well, and most of them are here to watch the excitement.Xiao Qi tried several times, but the carriage couldn't turn the corner.

This time shopkeeper Liu didn't care about his face any more, and didn't care about what the women below thought of him.He got out of the carriage.

He heard a woman below pointing at him, and said loudly, "Why is there still an old man here?"

"It's not serious!"

When shopkeeper Liu passed by them, he pretended to be deaf, so he didn't want to compete with them, and walked over calmly.

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