Chapter 207
Shopkeeper Liu just pretended to be asleep, but she was really asleep.

Seeing Jiuli sleeping soundly leaning against the carriage, shopkeeper Liu shook his head in satisfaction, and sighed, "This girl."

The carriage bumped all the way on the winding mountain road, Jiuli slept soundly all the time.Xiaoqi wanted to chat with her, but she didn't wake up.

Xiao Qi would turn her head to look at shopkeeper Liu from time to time and said, "Master, is Miss Ruan awake?"

Shopkeeper Liu also wants to chat with her?However, she never woke up and slept soundly all the way.By noon, it was only halfway up the mountain.

Shopkeeper Liu looked up at the sky, the sun was a little bit behind at noon, and it happened to be lunch time, and he looked at the lush mountain top, it would take another hour to reach the top of the mountain.

The three of them didn't go to the house to eat, and they didn't know what happened when they went, so they had to eat their fill in the car.Eat something and it will be ready when they come in the morning.At this time, they are all placed in a spare box on the carriage.

"Miss Ruan? Miss Ruan? Miss Ruan?" Shopkeeper Liu called out several times.Jiuli woke up in a daze, yawned, stretched, and murmured, "Where is this?"

"Miss Ruan, are you sleepy? Aren't we going to Qingqian Villa in Xianxia Mountain?"

"Oh." Jiu Li seemed to have thought of this matter, smiled at Shopkeeper Liu, and said, "I'm kidding, but I'm really sleepy."

She gets up early in the morning.Plus Mrs. Qu lived here last night, she tossed and turned all night and didn't sleep much, Jiuli didn't sleep well either.Another reason is that Qilang was too excited to go to school last night because of his first day, and he didn't close his eyes all night.

She slept like this for a while, woke up for a while, woke up for a while and went back to sleep until dawn.

I didn't expect so many things to happen in one morning.

First it was Dalang Ruan, then Mrs. Ruan, and then Wuniang Ruan. She ran around the village several times.These are all exhausting things.So after getting into the carriage, she fell asleep.No one disturbed her along the way, and she slept soundly.

Physical strength has almost recovered.

Shopkeeper Liu arranged the food in the box.That is flatbread and the like, so it is convenient to eat on the road. There are a few cold dishes, but the taste is good.

Jiu Li ate three cakes in a row.

Xiaoqi also ate three, only shopkeeper Liu only ate two.Xiao Qi was driving the car in front. When he had just eaten, he didn't talk nonsense. Now that he was full and refreshed, he joked, "Miss Ruan, she ate a lot, but she wasn't fat, and she seemed to be nutritious. bad."

Jiuli didn't speak, but just smiled.With her small body, she was really malnourished. If it wasn't for her hard work and hard work the day after tomorrow, she would have been overtaken by those dozen men today and beaten and disabled.

"Miss Ruan, you are born with supernatural power!" Xiao Qi said flatteringly while driving the carriage up the mountain.

Jiuli still leaned on the carriage, not speaking.

Shopkeeper Liu seemed to have noticed something, and said to Xiao Qi outside, "Concentrate on driving your car, why are you talking so much?"

"Okay!" Xiao Qi raised his whip, and the carriage galloped on the mountain road.Go straight to the top of the mountain.

The carriage was driving on the winding mountain road, the peaks of the mountain were shrouded in clouds and mist, and the mountain path was winding like a ribbon falling from the clouds.

Jiuli suddenly pointed to the highest peak and said, "I remember there are several hot springs there, and many old people soak in the hot springs there."

Shopkeeper Liu shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm afraid it won't be possible in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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