Madam Chun sat down and helped Mrs. Hou do the needlework. Mrs. Hou was sewing the collar carefully. The center of a piece of clothing is the collar.The formations in that place must be dense and neat, so she had to lower her head and look carefully at the formations.

There are already fine lines in the corners of her eyes. Although she is still as beautiful as a flower, she is no longer the alluring beauty of the past.

Lord Hou has been fighting outside all year round, and Mrs. Hou has to worry about everything at home.Especially the young master's illness, which almost exhausted all her energy and spirit.In the past few years, she has aged really fast.

I thought that the young lady would be more sensible, but it would be more troublesome than Qian'er.

If Qian'er's body is strong, he can marry and have children like normal people, and live to old age in peace, even if it is a little ordinary.Madam Hou was also happy.

Unfortunately not.

Young Master Hou only has half a year to live, Madam Hou must be suffering in her heart, she can't sleep all night, just holding on.

Thinking of this, Mother Chun actually hated Huo Shiyu again. This inhuman guy doesn't know how to be considerate of his mother. How can he be human?It just popped out of the cracks in the rocks.

The afternoon sun shone warmly in the yard.Nanny Chun felt much better, because Mrs. Hou seemed to be singing love songs just now, all songs she sang when she was young.

"Guanguan Jujiu is on the continent of the river; a fair lady is a gentleman."

It's just that the song sounds a little sad at this time.She couldn't help but sneak a handful of tears.

Madam Hou stopped singing, stared at Mother Chun, and said, "Ah Chun, why does an old love song still make you cry?"

Grandma Chun just laughed.

A guard hurried over at this time. He stood still in front of Mrs. Hou, bent over and said, "Mrs. Hou, Master Hou asked me to report. It seems that a doctor is coming to see Mrs. Hou today. You Just welcome it."

Madam Hou was stunned for a moment, and looked at him suspiciously, as if she suddenly thought of something, she didn't speak, but just signaled the guards to go down.

Mother Chun seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and said, "Ma'am, didn't you say you won't see a doctor anymore?"

Madam Hou's eyes were full of tears, and she sighed a long time, "Now when words like 'miracle doctor', 'doctor' and 'doctor' are mentioned, Qian'er is frightened. Everyone prescribes a pack of medicine. , dark, Qian'er making trouble makes my heart ache."

After Madam Hou finished speaking, she clutched her stomach, turned around and entered the room.

Mother Chun tidied up the sewing frame in front of her, followed closely behind, and said, "Sister, maybe the doctor is very skilled this time?"

Madam Hou sighed for a long time, then shook her head helplessly and said, "If the medical skills are very good, the master would have said it when he came back a few days ago, and he wouldn't have waited until today to say it. He must have just remembered it today."

Nanny Chun nodded, approached Mrs. Hou, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you let them enter the mansion? Will the young master be frightened?"

Mrs. Hou paused for a moment, looked at Madam Chun's worried eyes, shook her head and said, "Since they're here, it's not easy to come to the top of the mountain, let them sit in the mansion and walk around the mansion . Give them a few more pieces of silver, and then send them away."

Sister Chun nodded and said knowingly, "Madam, you are still so kind! They are also lucky to meet you, Madam."

After Madam Chun finished speaking, she went down.

Mrs. Hou stood in the corridor, her eyes dimmed, watching the back of Sister Chun disappearing at the corner of the Moon Gate, two huge teardrops slowly fell down her cheeks

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