The two walked forward slowly along the stairs, looking back at the mountain road from time to time, both of them were worried about Jiu Li.

Xiao Qi and shopkeeper Liu walked side by side, he turned his head to look at shopkeeper Liu, and said, "Master, the carriage behind this belongs to Miss Qianjin of the Hou Mansion, if something happens then, we won't be able to bear it all." Let's go."

Shopkeeper Liu raised his sleeves to wipe off his sweat, looked at Xiaoqi, then at the long steps below, and said, "What will happen if I kick you down?"

Xiaoqi's eyeballs rolled 'gulu' and 'gulu', shopkeeper Liu was also looking at him, neither of them spoke, the air was a little stagnant.

At this time, I heard someone shouting nearby, "Miss, our carriage is gone, and the horses are all gone."

"Isn't the carriage in good condition just now? Why did it disappear for no reason?" There was a crisp voice, like jade beads falling on a plate, which was very pleasant to hear.

The two looked at each other, and it was Huo Shiyu who spoke.

"Her voice is so gentle and pleasant, like the sound of flowing water in a hot spring, but..." Xiao Qi hadn't finished speaking.

Shopkeeper Liu spat heavily on the ground, and then said, "If you say that again, I'll really kick you down."

Xiao Qi smiled, and pulled shopkeeper Liu to continue walking upwards.

"Hurry up!" someone yelled.

Soon, I heard a burst of noisy footsteps, getting closer and closer, as if they were coming this way.

Although Huo Shiyu brought a dozen guards with him, all of them were working.They selected a place a few days ago, erected the stele first, and only buried it today.They were all working there just now, and all of Huo Shiyu's pet dogs were in the car.

Covered by many trees, they didn't pay much attention to the carriages when they were working.The key point is that this place is not far from Qingqian Villa, is it?

Moreover, there are guards of their family everywhere in the mountain, who dares to make trouble in her territory, don't you want to live?So no one deliberately looked at the carriage.

When Shao Yao yelled, several carriages had disappeared, and they started to chase.

Shopkeeper Liu and Xiao Qi were standing on the stairs and climbing up, when they heard noisy and rapid footsteps coming towards this side, he immediately took Xiao Qi's hand and said, "Quick! Hide quickly."

The two quickly hid behind the rocks in the mountain, and with the cover of all kinds of trees, the two of them hid very well.

After a while, there seemed to be the sound of horse's hooves in the direction of Qingqian Villa, and they seemed to be chasing after them on horseback.

Xiaoqi looked at shopkeeper Liu worriedly and said, "Master, do you think they can catch up?"

Shopkeeper Liu just smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and said meaningfully, "Young man, you must learn to look at people in the future, and you must follow the right people!"

Xiao Qi didn't know what it meant, but just nodded his head and said, "Master, Xiao Qi has identified you, and will follow you, not going anywhere."

Listening to the sound of horseshoes going away, the two found a comfortable place to eat snacks.

Xiao Qi ate a lot, a whole box full, unexpectedly Jiuli had been leaning on the carriage to sleep, except for lunch, she almost didn't eat any snacks.At this time, the two of them were sitting here chatting while knocking melon seeds.

It's just that when eating melon seeds, Xiao Qi noticed that shopkeeper Liu's hands would tremble occasionally, and he couldn't help asking, "Master, are you afraid?"

Shopkeeper Liu glared at him, sighed a long time, and said, "Don't be afraid, can you hide here? That ancestor, I'm really scared."

When shopkeeper Liu said this, he almost choked up.

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