The man in white fell to the ground and looked at her meaningfully.

Jiuli still has business to do, she doesn't want to spend too much time here with him, meet by chance, and there is no need to decide the winner.

Jiuli turned back to the horse, and galloped towards the mountain.

The man in white looked straight at the direction she was leaving, got on his horse, and walked up the mountain.

She turned a few turns, and when she was sure that there were no guards from the Huo Mansion nearby, she rode her horse to the fork in the road.Shopkeeper Liu and Xiao Qi were nesting in the bushes and behind the rocks, cracking melon seeds.Hearing the sound of horseshoes, shopkeeper Liu and Xiao Qi poked their heads and looked down.

Shopkeeper Liu grabbed a handful of melon seeds and before he finished cracking them, Jiuli came back on horseback.

Shocked, Xiao Qi spat out the melon seed shells in his mouth, and said in astonishment, "Master, Miss Ruan, has this been resolved?"

Shopkeeper Liu gave him a hard elbow, Xiao Qi covered his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say.

Shopkeeper Liu stood up, smiled in Jiuli's direction, and yelled leisurely, "Miss Ruan?"

Jiuli looked at them, got off the horse, and pushed out the carriage hidden in the jungle.Seeing this, shopkeeper Liu hurriedly pushed Xiaoqi and said, "Go down and help?"

Xiao Qi let go of the hand that was supporting Shopkeeper Liu, and then galloped down the hillside.

When she stood in front of Jiuli, everything was ready, Jiuli had put the saddle on.Shopkeeper Liu also staggered down.

When the three got into the carriage, Xiao Qi and Shopkeeper Liu kept staring at Jiu Li.But Jiuli's expression remained calm, thinking she would say something, but she didn't speak, as if nothing happened.

"Miss Ruan" Xiaoqi opened her mouth wide, as if she wanted to ask something.

Shopkeeper Liu gave him a hard look, and Xiao Qi quickly shut up.

The three of them got into the carriage and continued to walk forward. After walking for a while, they crossed a small square and turned a corner. They would arrive at Qingqian Villa.Jiuli leaned against the carriage and closed her eyes again.

In fact, Xiao Qi was very anxious, he always wanted to know what happened.In such a short period of time, there were more than a dozen horses and three carriages, and there were many dogs in them.

With so many soldiers chasing, what happened?

But Jiuli didn't mention it as if there was no such thing.

The carriage continued on.When he almost reached the open space, he heard someone say again, "Miss, this carriage was the only one that came to the top of the mountain this morning."

"Oh?" The voice of a woman continued, "Are you sure it's this one?"


The woman's voice was Huo Shiyu, and shopkeeper Liu and Jiu Li who were sitting in the carriage recognized it. It was too late to turn the carriage and leave at this time.

The carriage continued on.

Huo Shiyu stretched out his hand and said, "Stop that carriage."

Several soldiers were walking towards Jiuli's carriage, at this moment, there was a sound of horse's hooves, and there was also the faint fragrance of the man's body.

Jiuli was familiar with that smell, and the white-clothed man he had just met on the mountain road came.

"He also came to Huo's Mansion?" Jiu Li said to himself, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it? Even though she didn't admit what happened just now, he saw it seriously."

"Young Master Wan," Huo Shiyu called out, so tender and tender, Jiu Li, as a woman, felt soft all over, let alone a man?
Several soldiers had already stepped forward to intercept Jiuli's carriage.Jiuli sat on the carriage without moving, and shopkeeper Liu slowly got off the carriage.

The moment Huo Shiyu saw shopkeeper Liu, she was instantly angry. While smiling and talking to the man in white, Mr. Wan, she walked slowly to the side of the carriage, and in front of Mr. Wan, she slapped him. Raised the curtain.

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