Jiuli came here today on business, mainly to return that purple shirt to Mrs. Hou.

When the carriage entered Qingqian Villa, guards led them straight to the backyard.This is where the guards and servants in the mansion eat.

Although the servants and guards in the mansion eat together, the food in the mansion has always been good, and they are all cooked by the same chef, eating almost the same as the master.

Mrs. Hou has always been friendly to her servants.

A carriage walked slowly in the mansion along the winding path. The flowers on both sides exuded a fresh fragrance, waxy and sweet, which made my heart feel very comfortable.

Xiao Qi couldn't help but whispered, "Master, the flowers in this Hou's mansion are different from other places, right? It doesn't look like anything special, but it just smells different from other places, like glutinous rice balls just out of the pot, I can’t wait to step forward and take a bite.”

Shopkeeper Liu gave him a hard look and said, "Drive with peace of mind. Don't always think about eating."

Xiao Qi stopped talking, and drove the carriage, walking steadily on the small road in the mansion.

There are several small yards shaded by trees, very quiet.

Jiu Li suddenly said to Xiao Qi, "Xiao Qi, stop the carriage."

Xiao Qi was a little confused, and couldn't help saying, "Miss Ruan, are you here yet?"

"No." Jiuli replied, "I have something to do when I go down."

Xiao Qi reined in the carriage, and the guards not far away also stopped, turned around to look at the stopped carriage, and said, "What's wrong? The carriage won't leave?"

Jiuli walked up to him with a basket on his back, and the guard looked him up and down suspiciously.Jiu Li has been searching for these guards in his memory, has he seen her?

There should be none.

That day Huo Shiyu brought a dozen bodyguards down the mountain, all of them were shot dead by her in Xianxia Town.The remaining guards pulling the cart had seen her, but not the ones on duty at the door.

She was relieved that she hadn't seen her.

"I want to see Mrs. Hou, I have something to give her." Jiuli spoke slowly, for fear of being misunderstood.

The guard's face was very serious, probably because he had been standing at the door all the time, without any smile, and his voice was calm, he said, "If you have anything, just leave it to me, and I will definitely pass it on to Madam Hou."

Jiu Li shook his head, if the dress had not been modified, it would be no problem for others to hand it over.The key point is that this dress has been changed beyond recognition, so she must thank her in person, right?

And the last time she looked at her, her complexion was a little pale, and she held her chest slightly, as if she was suffering from some hidden disease, and she must have been tortured for a long time.

As a doctor, she has her way of thanking, so she rejected the guards.

The guard turned around and glanced at the quiet courtyard surrounded by flowers and trees, and said, "I'll go down and report to Mrs. Hou, please wait a moment."

When the guards ran in, Mrs. Hou was leaning against the window, clutching her heart, staring out the window, her eyes full of sadness.

Grandma Chun stood beside her, brought a bowl of hot soup over, and placed it in front of Mrs. Hou, but Mrs. Hou didn't take a sip. The hot air rose slowly and fell on her jade-like cheeks. Is full of heart.

"Mrs. Hou." The guard shouted when he came in.

Sister Chun shuddered, turned around and walked out quickly, complaining, "Didn't you tell me? I'll take care of something later, don't bother Madam."

The guard paused for a while, glanced at Mrs. Hou at the window, and said, "A young doctor came down from the mountain. He must see his wife. He said that he has something to give to his wife. It seems to be very important."

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