When Huo Shiyu mentioned the word 'wild girl', he pointed at Jiuli with a finger.I can't wait to tear her expression apart.

Hearing a 'bang', the people standing here just felt an afterimage flash in front of their eyes, very quickly and in a trance, so that the people standing here were a little confused.I don't know what happened just now.

Then there was another 'crash' at the door, the sound of plates and bowls breaking.Everyone standing here is in a daze, what's going on?
When everyone calmed down, Shaoyao next to her yelled, pointed at Huo Shiyu, and choked up, "Miss, miss"

All eyes turned to Huo Shiyu.

She covered her nose with one hand and wiped the blood with the other. Her mouth and nose were bleeding, and several drops had already dripped on her gorgeous dress.

She hadn't reacted just now, and she didn't know she had been beaten until blood flowed from her nose.It was just an instant, Jiu Li's fist hit her on the nose.

Shao Yao quickly took out the handkerchief and pinched her nose.

Huo Shiyu was also terrified. Although she was used to being arrogant and domineering in the mansion, no one dared to beat her, especially if she was beaten to bleed, which was even more impossible.

For the first time in her life, she saw her blood, and she was afraid.Looking at Madam Hou with sobs, he said, "Mother, have you seen it? The person you tried to help beat your daughter like this." Speaking of this, he began to choke up again.

Mrs. Hou seemed to be in a daze. She was trembling because of Huo Shiyu's words just now. Fortunately, Mother Chun helped her up.At this time, her body was still tightly hugged by the mother of Chun.

At the moment when they saw Huo Shiyu's nose and mouth bleeding, neither of them stood up immediately, but half opened their mouths, looking at this scene in amazement, as if they couldn't believe it.

After she realized it, Madam Hou only moved her body slightly, as if she had forgotten what to do next.

She forgot, and so did Madam Chun.

How could Nanny Chun forget?
What would happen to the two of them if the person standing here at this time was the young master?Leaving aside what will happen to Mrs. Hou, she, Ah Chun, will rush to hug the little Hou Ye.

But this Miss Huo Shiyu is also his wife's flesh and blood?Why did they stand there without moving?
Not only did she not move, when Madam Hou was stabbed by Huo Shiyu's eccentric words just now, she wanted to punch her, making her nose bruised and face swollen, making her no big or small, with no loyalty, filial piety or inferiority in her eyes .

I don't know why, but when Jiuli punched him, she felt a little happy, and her heart was so happy.Finally, there is someone who can teach this girl a lesson.

Her heart was at ease, but she still looked at Mrs. Hou with a cloudy face.

Madam Hou also stood there without moving.

Huo Shiyu's face was full of tears, he pinched his nose with one hand, pointed at Mrs. Hou with the other, and said with a sob, "Mother, have you ever hurt me? I was beaten like this by this wild girl at the bottom of the mountain just now, what do you say?" What? This is the Huo Mansion, my surname is Huo. I am the eldest lady of the Huo family. You hit me in my territory? Mother, are you indifferent? If you can't beat it, there are guards at the door, she can still get in Can you fly with your wings?"

There are not only guards at the door, but also maids.

Just at the moment when Jiuli stretched out his fist to hit Huo Shiyu, a maid happened to step over the threshold with a dinner plate.There was only a 'bang', and the fist landed on Huo Shiyu's face.She was so scared that she threw the plate in her hand, and all the dishes and chopsticks were broken.

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