Chapter 228 The Worship of the Maid and Servant

Watching Jiuli's back go away, Mother Chun approached Mrs. Hou, and sighed softly, "I don't know why, the more I look at Jiuli, the more I like her. No matter how I look at it, she should be Mrs. Hou's daughter."

Madam Hou pursed her lips, smiled slightly, and said, "It's just nonsense, people have fathers and mothers."

Mrs. Hou seldom smiled, but since Jiuli left, she kept smiling slightly, and she didn't take Huo Shiyu's matter to heart at all.

After dinner, she still said to Mother Chun from time to time, "It would be great if that girl Jiuli could alleviate Qian'er's illness."

"Miss Jiuli's medical skills are higher than those of ordinary country doctors, so she should be able to relieve her pain, Madam, don't worry."

That night, Mrs. Hou secretly laughed several times.Sister Chun looked extremely happy in her eyes.

When Jiuli walked out of Mrs. Hou's small courtyard, it was already very late, and the brilliant sunset glow in the sky bathed the entire Hou Mansion, as if crossing a golden border for it.

The fresh mountain wind blew slightly, Jiu Li stretched out his arms and took a deep breath.

I heard someone whispering behind me, "What do you think? That's the little doctor from the mountain who beat Miss."

"She's so thin and small? I can't see that such a person can beat people, and she is so courageous."

Jiuli didn't bother to listen to these gossips, she was heading towards the back yard without any servants leading the way.She and Shopkeeper Liu took the carriage all the way.Both their people and the carriage came out of the medical hall, and they were all stained with the strong smell of Chinese herbal medicine, which still permeated the alleys of the Hou Mansion at this time.

She just smelled it and walked towards the back yard.

Behind her has been followed by many servants, including maids and guards.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or I was waiting for her here and followed her all the way.

When Jiuli was about to step into the backyard, she heard a maid behind her say, "Has that young man from the mountain ever been to our Qingqian Villa? Why is she so familiar with the roads in our mansion? No?" With one person carrying it, she walked to the back yard by herself?"

The others were also surprised, and sighed for a long time like 'tsk', 'tsk', 'tsk', anyway, it was the words that Mrs. Hou and Mother Chun liked her very much.

Jiuli was never interested in this kind of thing, she was thinking that if she stayed here overnight, how many people would still have dinner at home?
My aunt still needs to take decocted medicine. Qilang came back from school on the first day. I wonder if he can adapt?He must have had a lot to say to her.

This morning, she hung Ruan Wuniang from a tree, who untied her?
If we find a group of people to deal with the family members, I am afraid no one can handle it.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn't spend the night here.

While she was thinking wildly, shopkeeper Liu came out from nowhere, and suddenly called her, "Miss Ruan?"

Jiuli was startled, took a step back, looked at him and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Shopkeeper Liu just smiled, then shook his head and said, "No, I'm waiting for you. Everything is set up."

Although he finished speaking so smoothly, Jiuli just felt that something was wrong, as if something had happened, and shopkeeper Liu was unwilling to say it.

At this time, the servants had already filled the table with food, and smelling the tempting aroma, Jiuli touched her stomach, she was really hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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