Chapter 233 Possession
If there is one person that must be listened to in the Hou's mansion at this time, it must be Mrs. Hou's.

Madam Hou stood here without saying a word, so they wouldn't make things difficult for Jiu Li who was riding a horse.

Those people just strolled towards the door like this, in fact, they just put on a show, they walked out of the door quickly, and Jiu Li had already disappeared.

They went around to the back door and went back to the Hou's mansion. What happened just now passed in a muddle.

Jiu Li went out of the gate and found that no one was chasing her, so she hurried down the mountain. When she was going down the mountain, she deliberately bypassed the gate of Xianxia Temple.

Didn't Qu Feng say that she might have a child of her own, and she's going to send this little round child back today.She wondered what was going on.

The gate of Xianxia Temple was closed tightly, as if a fly could not fly in, Jiuli looked at the gate twice, then beat his horse and left.

She went straight down the mountain. To go to Yuelu Academy in Xianxia Town, she had to pass through Xianxia Village at the foot of the mountain. Maybe there was another way, but Jiuli couldn't find it, so she didn't dare to try it.

He came down along the mountain road where he often collected herbs, and then went to Xianxia Town through his own village.

The evening wind blew head-on to the face, Jiuli's hair was all lifted up, the horse's hooves rolled, Jiuli felt that he was about to fly, and his loose clothes fluttered and danced in the wind.

For a few moments, Jiu Li could hear the sound of his clothes being torn by the wind.

It only took Jiuli an hour to go from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. When she reached the foot of the mountain, she felt that she should go home and have a look.

Sankui and Qilang are not at home, only my aunt is at home, she is a little worried.

It's fine if it's normal, but the key is that this morning, Ruan Wuniang was tied to a tree. Later, so many strong men chased him, and she tired them all, so she went to the top of Xianxia Mountain.What happened afterwards?

Will you trouble your aunt?
Thinking of this, she turned her horse's head sideways and walked towards her courtyard.

This Jiuli rode a tall horse from the mountain, turned the horse's head from the foot of the mountain, and ran towards his home.There were already a few people wandering around in this village, and they were immediately excited when they saw this place.

Several people crowded together and talked loudly, "Is this little fool able to ride a horse?"

"Do you think she is stupid?"

"Can you just ride a horse? Didn't you hang Wu Niang to the tree this morning? No one in our entire village can go up and untie her."

"Didn't we cut down that tree in the end? If there weren't so many people, that Wu Niang would be in danger."

A bunch of people were discussing here, and a few more people joined in mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "We watched this girl Jiuli grow up, from being a fool to growing up. Now it's like this all of a sudden, you guys I don't even believe that nothing happened to her!"

There was a mountain man who was wearing patched clothes and had a hole in his knee.With a sallow and thin face, his two protruding eyes were gurgling. He looked around carefully, and then said, "Do you know? Jiuli's favorite food at the time was the fruits offered in the mountains. Those are for everyone. Immortal Lu Daluo eats it. We dare not eat it, and she ate it all."

"Wow, did you eat too much? Possessed by something?"

"Hard to say."

People are talking about her here, and the voices they make are very mysterious. Anyway, she is not the Jiuli she used to be, not a little fool.Possessed by something.

Jiuli has heard a lot, so she won't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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