Chapter 238
It was indeed Jiuli standing at the door, leaning against the wall of the door, embracing her hands, staring at Qilang and Sankui who were walking with a smile in her eyes.

Her smile made people intoxicated. Although Sankui was limping, he could see that he quickened his pace.

On the tree behind her, was tied a fiery red horse, even in the moonlight it could be seen clearly, majestic and majestic, not a horse you usually see on the road.

Sankui quickened his pace and kept walking towards her, smiling at her, and she also greeted his gaze with a smile. Although their gazes crossed briefly, it seemed as if they had already exchanged thousands of words.

"Sister!" Qilang yelled, and quickly rushed over. His legs and feet were quick, and he quickly rushed to Jiuli, and said happily, "Sister, what are you doing here at this time?"

"Invite you to dinner." She turned around and pointed not far away, "It is said that there is a new mille-feuille restaurant opened there. It is very delicious. Today I will take you there to try something new.”

"Ah?" Qilang asked suspiciously, "Sister, can't you? You came here in the middle of the night to invite us to eat cakes?"

When he said this, he clutched his stomach vigorously, and said coquettishly, "Sister, my stomach hurts from hunger."

Jiuli patted him on the shoulder, then glanced at Sankui behind him, and said, "I knew you were hungry. I came here specially to treat you to dinner."

Sankui was talking to the young man at the gate at the back.

When he caught up with Jiuli, Jiuli turned his head and said, "What are you talking to him about?"

"It's going to rain soon, let him take the horse to the stable." Sankui said calmly.Jiuli looked at him strangely, and said, "You can see it too?"

"See what?" Sankui seemed not to understand what she was talking about, and followed her closely without answering the question.It seems that the subject was changed quickly.

Jiuli didn't ask any more questions.

No matter what they say or think, one thing is for sure, they are hungry.

Because this mille-feuille restaurant is opened near the college, there are also many pedestrians passing by here every day, and the traffic flow is very large.Basically, the chicken does not crow and does not close the door.

When Jiuli and the others entered, there was still a constant flow of people and people, Qilang managed to find an empty table, and the three of them sat down.

Jiu Li ordered two bowls of hot soup and five cakes.

She just ate a piece of cake, and the other Sankui and Qilang were divided.Shichiro was really hungry, he didn't think too much, and started to eat with big mouthfuls.

Sankui took a few mouthfuls of pancakes and kept staring at Jiuli. She didn't drink hot soup, nor did she eat too much.He hurriedly found a bowl, and shared half of his hot soup with Jiuli.

Jiuli didn't want anything, and pushed it to Sankui, saying, "I ate a lot at the Hou Mansion, and I will eat there tomorrow morning. You must have eaten nothing all afternoon, eat quickly."

Qilang was drinking soup, when he suddenly looked up at Jiuli, his eyes widened in doubt, and said, "Sister, you have clairvoyance? How do you know that we didn't have dinner in the afternoon? We really missed the meal Woolen cloth."

The puff pastry here is huge and thick.

People in this era are very down-to-earth, there is no such thing as stealing, adultery, or trickery.A cake is a cake, big and affordable.Qilang ate voraciously, and Jiuli watched him eat, knowing that he must have been hungry all day.

No matter how hungry Sankui was or how urgent the matter was, he would eat slowly and eat slowly.He just drank the half of the hot bowl in front of him, and pushed the other half in front of Jiu Li, saying, "It's cold at night, especially when going up the mountain, you need to consume energy, how can you not eat something hot? Although You have already had dinner at the Hou's Mansion, but I'm afraid you've already digested the bumps along the way."

Jiuli looked at him and smiled, and ate the cake in his hand with big mouthfuls.

Sankui put the half bowl of soup in front of her again, Jiu Li curled his lips, picked it up, and drank it spoonful by spoonful.I feel warm all over.

(End of this chapter)

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