Chapter 247

Little Hou Ye's courtyard is quiet, everything is sleeping soundly.The young master is resting, and the other servants are also resting.They form a point of agreement.

When the young master was awake, they would play with him, stay with him, and they would stay with him no matter what.Now is the time for the young master to sleep, and they hurried to catch up on sleep.

When Mrs. Hou and the others came in, they didn't send anyone to report. There was a young man on duty outside who had been standing at the door, but he wanted to report, but was stopped by Mrs. Hou.

When Mrs. Hou and Madam Chun came to persuade the young master last night, they all heard it.

At that time, Mrs. Hou said, "Qian'er, I found a doctor for you for your mother. He is from the countryside, but his medical skills are good. She found out your mother's illness immediately."

At that time, Huo Qian refused all of a sudden, saying, "Mother, that's just a coincidence, she can't cure my illness, and she needs to add so much more medicine."

Thinking about the fact that the young master has been eating such a dark, bitter soup since he was born, she couldn't help but shed tears again, choked up and said, "If I can drink it for you, I will definitely drink it for you. .”

The little Hou Ye was a little playful, but seeing Mrs. Hou actually cried, it was real.He hurried forward, took out the handkerchief in his arms, wiped the tears from his wife's face, and said, "Mother, why don't you let him come over and take a look. Anyway, I'm sleeping at this time tomorrow, and I don't plan to take medicine." .He can leave after reading it.”

"Okay." When Madam Hou said this, she smiled again, with crystal clear tears still hanging on her face.

In this way, it was reluctantly agreed.

Last night, after walking out from here, Mother Chun said comfortingly, "It would be great if Miss had the same temper as Qian'er."

"Hey" Madam Hou let out a long sigh.

"The twins in other families are closer than ordinary brothers and sisters, but the twins in our family are always at odds with each other." Having said this, Mother Chun shook her head helplessly.

Little Hou Ye Huo Qian didn't like Huo Shiyu since he was born. When they were very young, Mother Chun hugged them in a nest, and Little Hou Ye kicked her out with one kick.The same is true when they grow up, the two seldom talk and rarely deal with each other.

But one thing is for sure, Huo Shiyu never dared to offend Qian'er.

They kept their distance and did not disturb each other.But if Huo Qian said something, Huo Shiyu would never stop listening.

In this way, the three of them slowly entered the living room, and then stepped into the bedroom of the young master.

The little Hou Ye was lying on the bed and fell asleep, and he didn't know when Jiu Li was sitting on the bed.

Jiuli put his hand gently on his pulse, his pulse was long and weak, probably because he had been sick for too long, and his body was dragged down.

The little Hou Ye turned over, hugged Jiuli's hand and put it on his pillow, and fell asleep peacefully on her arm.

Nanny Chun and Mrs. Hou looked at each other, it was the first time they saw such a quiet little Hou Ye.When a stranger touched him before, he jumped around as if his hair had exploded.But this time it was so quiet?
Jiuli knew that he had a heart problem.

She took out the compound Danshen dripping pills and trimetazidine hydrochloride from the small medicine box with one hand. These are modern medicines that are symptomatic, and they did not exist in ancient times.

She's going to feed it right now.

She looked up and looked at the table not far away. There was a water glass with brewing tea in it - ginseng soaked with goji berries, and a little astragalus added.

He did.

She stroked his head lightly with her hand and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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