Chapter 250
Jiuli and Huo Qian got off the sedan chair at the same time, Huo Shiyu's face was clouded for a moment, but soon recovered to the original.

"Qian'er, what are you doing here? Beware of the cold weather, wear more clothes." Huo Shiyu warmly comforted Huo Qian.The voice is soft and touching. She often uses this voice to talk to Lord Hou, and every time it makes Lord Hou happy, she will give what she wants. If it is Huo Shiyu's temper, half of it is because of Master Hou's habit.

Huo Qianli ignored Huo Shiyu, just pointed to the maroon horse and said, "Sister Jiuli, do you want that horse? You can go and lead it now."

The two walked all the way in the sedan chair, playing different games in the sedan chair.Huo Qian just vaguely felt that this feeling had been absent for a long time, as if he had it before, and lost it again at some point.

He cherishes this feeling very much, and the name of Jiuli has already changed from "Jiuli Girl" to "Jiuli Sister", and the servants and maids around him are all stupid.

When did their little lord become so talkative?I haven't seen him call who sister?Even if it was Huo Shiyu, he never called her sister.They are all called 'Your Miss Qianjin'.Everyone doesn't know whether it's a compliment or a derogation, anyway, it's called that.

When Huo Shiyu heard him call Jiuli 'Sister Jiuli', she immediately became furious.She pointed at Huo Qian angrily, and said, "You don't need to call me sister, but you can't call everyone sister! Just this little beggar in the countryside, not to mention the shabby clothes and no education, how could he be your sister?" .”

The greatest punishment for a person is to ignore her existence, which is the most insulting way.

Huo Qian was like this, he didn't pay attention to Huo Shiyu's distraction at all, as if she didn't exist at all, he still pointed at the horse and said, "Sister Jiuli, go boldly and pull it out."

Huo Shiyu stood at the door of the stable, opened his hands, blocked Jiuli completely, and then angrily said to her, "After all, you are still the daughter of the Hou Mansion, it's just that Qian'er doesn't respect me, but I The blood of the Marquis is flowing in your blood, you wild girl from the countryside, what kind of onion or garlic are you!"

Also called her 'wild girl', she had already taught her a lesson last time, why didn't she change after repeated admonitions?
In her hands, she has never made a profit.

Jiu Li had already approached her, and his rough hands tried to pull up the patched sleeves.She was staring at Huo Shiyu, but that kind of gaze made people feel scared.

Just hitting straight like this, Jiu Li has hit Huo Shiyu several times, but why doesn't she have a long memory?

Shao Yao touches Huo Shiyu from time to time, but she doesn't notice it.If she got on the head, eight cows would not be able to move her. That's why Master Hou still felt like him.

Jiu Li just ignored her this time, and just pushed her a little bit.Huo Shiyu was pulled aside like a mud egg.

She was a little shocked at that moment.She is about the same age as her. She lives in the countryside all the year round. She doesn't eat well and is malnourished. Why does she have such supernatural power?

At the moment she was pulling her, she seemed to feel a pair of pliers pulling her, and she could pull it wherever she wanted.

Jiu Li went into the house, and quickly led the red horse out.

Huo Shiyu put his hands on his hips again, and angrily yelled at Jiuli, "This is my horse! You are not allowed to take it away!"

Huo Qian hurried forward to protect Jiuli, pointed at Huo Shiyu, and said angrily in the same tone, "Did you eat his horse! Do you have to accompany him with a horse?"

(End of this chapter)

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