Chapter 256 The edge of the cliff

Shopkeeper Liu shook his head, and said calmly, "Impossible. Could it be that a woman carries a child up the mountain just to jump off a cliff? If you want to commit suicide, you don't have to run so far, isn't there halfway up the mountain? Why bother?" Why go through so many troubles?"

Xiao Qi hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master, don't say that, in case someone lives on the top of the mountain and jumps off the cliff here, isn't it on the way? Just go down the mountain."

Shopkeeper Liu snorted coldly, stared at Xiao Qi, and said, "Do you think anyone can live on the top of the mountain?"

Xiaoqi opened his mouth wide, and asked, "Isn't it? Isn't everyone able to live?"

"Why don't you come up to live?" Shopkeeper Liu immediately scolded him.

"I..." Xiaoqi paused when he said this. He stared at shopkeeper Liu, like a son looking at his father, begging his father to give him a rare gift, and said, "If our hospital moves Come up, won't I come up?"

Shopkeeper Liu was still smiling, but that smile seemed ironic to Xiao Qi.

"Master, do you mean we can't move up here?" Xiao Qi asked again.

"Of course." Shopkeeper Liu replied without hesitation, "If it weren't for Miss Ruan today, the horses we were boiled and eaten on the top of the mountain would be like this. This mountain has a name, a surname, and a family? Even a courtyard, a Mansions are not owned by ordinary people. Let alone these mountains. We only have the right to walk on the mountain roads."

Xiao Qi just scratched his head.

At this time, the beautiful young woman had already walked to the edge of the cliff, then untied the pannier behind her, and carried the child out of the pannier.

When the child was standing on the ground, he was three or four years old, chubby, but he kept choking up, crying for a long time, and his voice became hoarse.

Who is that beautiful young woman?It was Qu Feng.She was at the top of the mountain when Jiuli left, she and Jiuli were on the front and rear.

Just as Jiuli left, she arrived.

It's just strange that no matter how she calls the door, the door of Xianxia Temple is always closed.Even if it couldn't be opened, she couldn't climb over the wall, and she tried to put the little ball behind the door.

But as soon as she left, Xiao Yuanzi cried heartbreakingly behind her, and she came back after walking a few times.

She carried him on her back like this and walked down the mountain, and she just got off the top of the mountain.The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I couldn't take Yuanzi home.

She is already married to Qu Er, not once or twice, but they are together day and night.Mrs. Qu simply stayed at Jiuli's house, watching her aunt play poker in the sun room.

After a while, she will know whether she is pregnant or not, even if she is not pregnant this time, and next time, if not, she will come to adopt another child after a while, it will be no problem.

It's just that this little Yuanzi is too troublesome to take care of.Her mother-in-law disagreed desperately.

Qu Er didn't seem to agree very much, why did she make them unhappy?

It's just that this child is really pitiful?

Miss Jiuli seems to like this child very much?If he hugs Miss Jiuli, will Miss Jiuli treat him kindly?But he is young, and the little husband is also handsome, so he didn't say he wants to adopt it?

What if she sends it to her and she returns it back?

Don't people say that she broke her word and backed her word?She personally carried it back and gave it away.Isn't this just a joke?It's not good to treat children, let alone treat mother-in-law?At that time, her reputation of Qu Feng will be ruined.How could she look up in the village?
(End of this chapter)

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