Chapter 260 Flower Monk

Shopkeeper Liu also sat slumped on the ground, looking at Jiu Li with a strange look.

Jiuli glanced at them, hugged Xiao Yuanzi in his arms, and said to them, "Are you two crazy? What happened to you? Why are you looking at him like this?"

Shopkeeper Liu stammered and pointed at her, and said nervously, "You... you just went down to save him?"

Jiuli paused, if she answered 'yes', then the next question must be 'how do you know he will fall? '

So she replied calmly, "Coincidentally."

Shopkeeper Liu let out a sigh of relief slowly, then staggered to his feet.

Xiaoqi wanted to hang on for a while, but leaned on the ground and didn't want to get up, but was kicked severely by shopkeeper Liu.He regained his energy in an instant and stood up.

He didn't pay attention to the child in her hand, but just circled around Jiuli, and said in a low voice, "Miss Ruan, did you hug this child from the branch on the edge of the cliff?"

Jiu Li was stunned for a moment, actually after she went down, she just looked around and didn't see Qu Feng's figure, she guessed that she probably came a little earlier.

She got a lot of vines, branches and bark, and weaved them quickly, covering the bottom of the valley like a big net.Fortunately, although the canyon is high, it is not very wide, and it is not very troublesome.

After the arrangement below was completed, she waited at the bottom of the valley and paid close attention to the movement above.

When Xiaoqi yelled that "ah" in horror, she heard it clearly, and she used all her strength to stare at Xiao Yuanzi falling from above.

She didn't wait for Yuanzi to fall, but flew up, grabbed a bunch of vine branches on the cliff wall, and caught Yuanzi firmly in this way.

This is a natural cliff, not man-made.The cliff is narrow in some places and wide in others, which is very uneven.On the way Xiaoyuanzi fell, he probably touched the edge of the cliff a few times, and blood flowed from his head.

The moment Jiuli took him into her arms, she, who is sensitive to blood, immediately smelled it.

How many branches can she hold like this and can't hang there all the time?She hugged Xiao Yuanzi and wanted to come down first, go down to the bottom of the valley, and then go up along the rope.

Holding the branch with one hand, holding Xiao Yuanzi with the other, and rubbing her feet against the cliff back and forth, how is she going to get down?
At this moment, she felt that there was an extra stick under her feet. She tried it, but stepped on it.When she tried to get off even one foot, there was another stick like this under her feet.

Jiuli was shocked, and said to himself, "Didn't I notice just now? Why are there so many piles at the bottom of this cliff? Someone put them on purpose? How convenient is this?

Just like that, Jiuli slowly approached the bottom step by step.

Just now, because I was anxious to pick up Xiao Yuanzi, I jumped up suddenly and used my strength against the cliff wall, and I was far away from the bottom of the valley.

She never imagined that she could fly so high.

If this is the case, I am afraid that a short rope is enough to leave the bottom of the mountain and reach the top.

She stood firmly at the bottom of the valley, with her back leaning against the cliff wall, just as she lowered her head to see what was on the wall.I saw a person flash out from a bush at the bottom of the valley.

The man was dressed in a red cassock, with a handsome and coquettish face.Who is it but the alluring young monk she saw in Xianxia Temple?
Why did he appear here?
(End of this chapter)

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