Chapter 264 Mysterious
Sankui is a modest gentleman. He seemed to sense something from Jiuli's expression and actions just now. He straightened his body and said in a slightly serious voice, "I judged it based on the traces of blood."

Jiuli carefully looked at Xiaoyuanzi's head. Although she kept stopping and wiping the blood on him while in the carriage, she didn't clean it up. There were still faint marks where the scalp and cheeks meet. flow down.

"Oh." Jiuli responded lightly, and then used a piece of gauze to soak some water, and gently stuck the blood stains on Xiao Yuanzi's head.And cleaned up the dust and blood stains on his face bit by bit.

Mariko is still sleeping, and there seems to be no sign of waking up.

Jiu Li put his hand gently on his heart, and the little heart beat very strongly.

"There should be no problem." Jiu Li stood up, looked at him and said, "Didn't you go to school all day today?"

Sankui pursed his lips lightly, and said in a low and gentle voice, "It's just that I came back very early. If the subject of mathematics in the afternoon is not included in the scientific examination content, I will come back."

"Where's Qilang?" Jiuli added, he's back, is Qilang still in the school?Doesn't it fit his character?

Sankui shook his head and said, "He came back with me, he probably went to fetch water or firewood."

Sankui and Qilang spent the night in other people's dormitories last night, and got up early this morning.Because Yuelu Academy recruited too many students this year.

There were originally four people living in that dormitory, but after the two of them squeezed in, there were six people.The original intention was to put Qilang and Sankui in two dormitories, so that it would be better to add one person to each dormitory.But Qilang quit, and must sleep in the same dormitory with Sankui.

There was no way, the two had to squeeze into someone else's dormitory, who would have known that there were two students in that dormitory who could talk about it, especially the mysterious thing that their dormitory collapsed at night and they happened to be sheltering from the rain outside.

Using this as a starting point, they talked about a lot of mysterious things, each of which was so bizarre that they talked so excitedly that no one fell asleep.

One of them said, "Do you know? People who came back from the capital said that the former capital 'Yizhimei' seemed to be a prince. He always liked to play the role of a gangster. Every time he went out at night, he wore a mask on his face." , I like to do some good deeds of robbing the rich and helping the poor. Wherever there are corrupt officials and people who harm the people, there is a plum. He is always elusive, and no one has seen his true face. Things, there is always a plum blossom left at the scene.”

When these people in the dormitory talked about Yizhimei, they all became interested, including Shichiro, who listened with great interest, sat up, opened their eyes wide, and listened to them talking about "Yizhimei" without daring to take a breath.

Only Shichiro lay motionless on the bed, as if he had no interest in this person at all.Speaking of excitement, Qilang kept pushing Sankui and said, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, come and listen to it, it's so exciting."

Qilang was lying there, already snoring at a constant speed.

One person said very loudly, "If I can see this 'Yizhimei' in my lifetime, I really won't have any regrets in this life."

The storyteller laughed when he heard this, and the others looked at him inexplicably.He said, "Yizhimei is already dead!"

Everyone was sorry to hear this sentence that night.

(End of this chapter)

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