Chapter 266 Games
Jiu Li walked up behind her aunt in a few steps, laying on her shoulders, and while massaging her shoulders, said softly and coquettishly, "Auntie, how is your body feeling recently? Has the poison been detoxified?"

While she was talking like this, a small hand was gently put into the aunt's pocket.

The aunt was almost thrown off the rhythm by her sugar-coated tender words, but the moment she touched her pocket, she became alert.

A powerful big hand grabbed Jiuli's small hand at once.

Jiuli had to compromise, and returned his hand the same way.She squatted beside her aunt, gently stroked her legs, massaged them around slowly, and said, "Auntie, do your legs still hurt?"

The aunt shook her head vigorously and said, "It's been gone for a long time."

Jiuli just smiled, her clear eyes were full of stars.The aunt looked at her a little naively, and said, "Don't you feel sorry for Sankui? He is busy in the kitchen by himself?"

Jiuli pouted slightly, stood up, turned and walked towards the kitchen.She heard a 'swish' sound behind her, it was the sound of hands rubbing the fabric.My aunt must be stealing candied fruit.

When she was turning the corner, she turned her head suddenly, and her aunt was stuffing two candied fruit into her mouth.The moment she saw Jiuli looking at her, she quickly covered her mouth with her big hands.

Jiu Li giggled, turned and went into the kitchen.

Qilang came in at this time, sweating profusely.

Seeing his aunt sitting in the yard, he first turned to look at the sun room.Is there no one in the sun room?No wonder my aunt was sitting in the yard.He ran over a few steps and said with a smile, "Auntie?"

The aunt stared at his sweaty head and dirty little hands, and said, "Go and wash your hands, and go to the kitchen to cook for your sister."

Qilang agreed, turned around and ran towards the back yard.

When passing by the kitchen door, he saw Jiuli and Sankui in the kitchen.Sankui was sitting there lighting the fire, while Sister Jiuli was making pancakes.He didn't go in, but went directly to the back yard.

The backyard is a place to grow vegetables. Jiuli and Sankui built a water platform there together. It was made of small stones on the mountain mixed with mud and some thatch was added. It is very practical.It's great to wash and do laundry on.

That's where all their buckets and washbasins and stuff are kept.

Qilang washed his face, drank a few sips of raw water, and walked directly towards the Moon Gate.

The white horse is no longer there, and my aunt said that it was taken away by Qu Er.Although the horse was beautiful, Shichiro didn't like it at all and didn't dare to approach it.

He was afraid that 'Xiaobai' would kick him hard.Now that there are no horses in the backyard, it is much more comfortable to walk in the spacious backyard.

His mind was still excited, somewhat excited, still immersed in the 'Yizhimei' game just now.If it weren't for many children being called home for dinner by adults one after another.I'm afraid he will have to wait a while before returning.

After turning around in the back yard, he quickened his pace again, running towards the front yard like a naughty monkey.

When they ate at night, they ate in the yard.

Jiuli had already arranged the meals and was about to call him in the back yard when he ran over.

Seeing his blushing face, the aunt asked, "Qirang, did you run outside?"

Qilang just smiled, looked at his aunt and said, "Auntie, we are playing a game, if you are a few years younger, Qilang will definitely take my aunt to play."

(End of this chapter)

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