Chapter 275

That afternoon, Sankui also handed over a bag of broken silver, and there should be more than three taels.

Jiuli weighed the broken silver in his hand, stared at Sankui, and said suspiciously, "Didn't you be asked to go to school to study? You all went to work? Are you going to school and handing over money to your family at the same time?"

Sankui didn’t speak. This is what he earned by copying handouts for others recently. His grades were at the bottom of the list. In fact, people are not very relieved to ask him to copy, but his handwriting is so good that the things he copied are Just like the engraving, everyone is helpless and likes to ask him to copy it.

He has also made a lot of money in the past few months.

Later, my aunt also gave her money. Her money was earned by those daughters-in-law in the mountain village. Most of it was money from selling medicines, and a lot of it was tuition fees from teaching them how to deal with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.Anyway, my aunt can't be idle at home.

As long as she is happy, Jiu Li never cares what she does.

She didn't have any hope for Qilang, but this Sankui was different.Could it be that he is in the academy just to fool around?

Jiuli put away all the meatballs, and made the afternoon meal before turning off the fire at the bottom of the pot.Jiu Li tidied up everything before walking towards the back yard.

Sankui and Xiaoyuanzi are practicing in the backyard.To be precise, it was Xiaoyuanzi practicing kung fu, Sankui watched.Xiaoyuanzi's practice is very simple, that is, coiled up on a tree for several hours, and keeps coiling like this.

Sankui was afraid that he might be in danger, so he would occasionally go over to have a look.

Watching Jiuli enter the Moon Gate, Sankui walked over to meet her, looked at her with a smile and said, "Xiao Yuanzi is recovering well, the more he strengthens his physical training, the faster he will recover."

Jiuli didn't answer his words, Xiaoyuanzi recovered well, she knew, she guided every day, of course she knew.

But now it's his business.

So she pretended to be unintentional and said, "It is said that your college will have an exam the day after tomorrow? This exam is only for one day. What can I prepare for you?"

Sankui picked up a piece of thatch next to the vegetable garden, held it in his hand, and said calmly, "The exam the day after tomorrow is mainly because our dean wants to accept a personal disciple. I'm not very interested."

"Not only is it?" Jiuli added, and asked him again.

He nodded casually again, as if he just remembered, and said, "After passing the qualification, there may be another identity."

"Tongsheng or scholar?" Jiu Li stared at him and asked, her face was calm, but he clearly saw the expectation in her eyes.

There was a little shame on his face, and a few seconds later, he said in a low and gentle voice, "Just prepare some dry food and water for me."

Jiuli hooked his lips, and a stone at his feet, he raised his toes, kicked it violently, passed through the fence like an arrow, and flew into the grove.Just heard a 'pop', as if it fell somewhere.

Sankui just approached her and walked towards the front yard side by side with her.

Xiaoyuanzi didn't know when he came down from the tree. He ran forward and shouted loudly, "Brother-in-law, you are a big villain! You can't read, you're angry."

Jiu Li and San Kui stopped at the same time, they looked at each other and smiled, then turned around, looking at Xiao Yuanzi who was running.The two stretched out their arms and caught him at the same time.Put him in the middle, and carried him towards the front yard.

This scene was clearly seen by Qu Feng who came out, just now the stone from Jiuli flew to her house, and just landed on the stone table where she drank tea.Almost smashed the glass.She ran out quickly, thinking that the two had quarreled, but she didn't expect to see this warm scene.

Qu Feng felt sore in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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