Chapter 277
Ruan Dalang didn't plan to take the exam at first, he was already a scholar, he was not yet 20 years old, he was already very famous in the whole town, very remarkable.With such an identity, you don't have to kneel down when you see the county magistrate.

Many scholars are only children when they grow old.

But he heard that their dean's intention for this exam is to accept a direct disciple.What does direct disciple represent?Not only status and fame, it is possible that the seat of the dean of Yuelu Academy belongs to that personal disciple.

Ruan Dalang went for this, so he had to take this exam, and secretly reviewed it for a long time, but the students didn't know it.

Although he also entered Yuelu Academy through his relationship, he used this relationship to forget about food and sleep and made rapid progress, so people around him all asserted that he must be promising in the future, he must be a high-ranking official.The people in the village looked at the Ruan family differently, and most of them saw the excellent Ruan Dalang.

When the members of the Ruan family gathered for dinner last night, the uncle of the Ruan family, Ruan Changfu, suddenly mentioned the next day's exam, and asked, "Will Qilang take part?"

Dalang shook his head, with a slight smile on his face, and said, "Qirang told Master on the first day of school that he went to school just to make Jiuli happy, and he didn't plan to learn anything. So, he didn't take the exam."

Several people laughed, especially Mrs. Ruan said immediately, "It's such a waste of such a good quota. If it is given to Shiro, the appointment can read it."

The second lady Ruan is not happy, why is this Qilang also born by her?Although he has already left Ruan's house, if he is compared with Shiro, who is dumbfounded and can't make a fart with three sticks, he still thinks Qilang is better.

"Silang can't go anywhere." Wu Niang said this sentence, Wu Niang said something fair for her Er Niang, Er Niang was very happy, and Wu Niang's eyes improved a lot.

Wu Niang quickly changed the topic, and said, "Is that little fool's husband-in-law participating?"

Ruan Dalang nodded and said with a smile, "Participate! But he might as well not attend, just like Qilang, studying is for fun, every time he takes the last exam, he doesn't plan to learn something famous, so that he won't be kicked out of the school .”

Only then did the whole family have a common topic, and then they burst out laughing.

Ruan Changfu put a pickle stick in his mouth, sighed and said, "You little fool is just a little fool. With so much tuition fees every year, it would bubble up in the ditch. It's just ruined like that."

Sang's mother also sighed and said, "I don't know what happened to the old third family back then to give birth to such a thing."

Bamei Ruan on the side spoke very cleverly, and said to them, "Didn't you buy that little fool's husband back then?" After she finished speaking, she stood up, walking like Sankui, shaking from side to side, shaking her hands Vibrant, as if covered with lice.

That shape is like touching shrimp in the river.

The whole family laughed loudly here, the unhappiness just now had already disappeared.

Ruan Wuniang looked extremely disgusted, her eyes were full of anger, and said, "It's her right to find such a husband!"

"If it were me, I would rather die than marry such a husband." Ruan Bamei added again.

Ruan Dalang quickly answered, "He has hands and feet, why do you look for someone like that? I sit with him every day, and when he is said to be my sister-in-law, I can't wait to get under the bullock cart."

When the whole family went to bed, they were still waiting to see Jiuli's joke.

(End of this chapter)

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