Chapter 279 Fairy Caixia
Although it is an internal examination of the college, the documents are very formal. Some are recommendation letters from village schools, county schools, or government schools, and some are issued by the college.For example, Sankui's was issued internally by the academy.

The place of the examination is also very formal.

After going in for a whole day, people who ate, drank, and sacked were all inside. Sankui brought a bag, and so did the others. The bags contained a day's food.

Sankui’s bag contained not only scallion pancakes, but also a kettle. Jiuli added a little bit of refreshing tea to the water, mixed with a little bit of Chinese herbal medicine to warm the body, and it was very comfortable to drink in the stomach.

Sankui was in good spirits all day, but he didn't take the exam all day.

In the morning, the test is on the classics and meanings, and the understanding of the "Four Books and Five Classics" must be taken in the first session; in the afternoon, the test is on "The Eight-legged Essay", which may or may not be tested.

But since they went in for the exam, everyone passed the exam.

Only Sankui left the examination room early after finishing the morning examination papers.When he left the examination room, all the candidates in the room looked at him obsessively, seeing how handsome he was, and he walked out of the examination room staggeringly, what's going on?Broken jar?

Jiuli went to town very late that day, and she went to Renhe Medical Center to arrange some things.After taking some consultation money, I went to the market and bought some fabrics.

The weather is getting colder and everyone in the family needs to add cotton coats, and she needs to make them ahead of time.

By the time she returned to Yuelu Academy, the exam had been over for a while.After many candidates have been nervous for a long time, no matter whether they stay or not, they go outside to relax.

Jiuli leaned against the gate of Yuelu Academy.At this time, the sun was setting, and the gorgeous clouds were dyeing half of the sky red.Jiuli just stood there in the sunset.

The relationship between Sankui and his classmate Liu Hong is the best, and the two get along the most.Liu Hong's home is far away from here, and his family background is not very good. Once, the two of them went to the Zangshu Pavilion in the town to read books.At that time, the two were not very familiar with each other.

The two were actually walking forward side by side. As classmates in the academy, they were very kind when they met at the place where they were reading.They walked towards the academy together.

Unexpectedly, a frightened carriage came from behind, and it came straight towards the two of them, because Liu Hong walked outside and San Kui walked inside, to be precise, the frightened horse flew towards Liu Hong.

Liu Hong didn't pay attention, and walked forward still talking and laughing.

But Sankui was different, he seemed to hear the voice behind him from a long distance away.When the frightened horse and carriage rushed towards Liu Hong, he grabbed Liu Hong past him.Then, due to the effect of inertia, his body was thrown far away, just in time to bump into the carriage, and he was thrown out again.

Then he was injured, and the injury on his body was more serious.

It was Liu Hong who took him to the Renhe Medical Center for a little treatment, that is, to apply some medicine. Jiuli didn't know it at all, and he didn't say anything.

Since then, Liu Hong has a very good relationship with San Kui, and has a kind of apology to San Kui.Especially when Sankui's walking posture is becoming more and more indecent, he blames himself even more.

Even if he searched for famous doctors all over the world, he felt that he had to get Sankui's body and limbs in order.Therefore, he paid special attention to the information about those famous doctors in the medical hall.

A few months ago, someone said that there is a genius doctor in Renhe Medical Center who can boil the dead back to life, which is very powerful.He inquired several times, but he heard that the person's number was very difficult to get.

He queued several times before he got to them.

After the exam, the two went straight to the Renhe Medical Center, got the number, and returned to Yuelu Academy.Just seeing Jiuli under the setting sun, leaning on the gate, surrounded by golden edges, like a fairy of Caixia falling into the world.

(End of this chapter)

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