Chapter 281 Sunflower Water
After the three of them finished eating, Xiao Er deliberately brought a plate of melon seeds, but this time Jiuli didn't ask for any more, but just thanked Xiao Er.

Xiaoer looked at the backs of the three of them leaving, shook his head in doubt and said, "Didn't you like eating melon seeds very much before? Why don't you eat them today?"

Liu Hong went back to the academy alone, Jiu Li and San Kui hired a carriage, and they went back by car.

The weather that day was not very good, it was cold and gloomy with autumn rain floating in the cold wind.

Because Jiuli came out early and wore few clothes, sitting in this kind of carriage at this time, her body kept shaking, and every time she shook, she felt that her body was about to fall apart.

She and Sankui sat opposite each other, and she bumped into his body several times, and he sat there firmly, motionless.

Jiuli shrank there tremblingly, as if her body was trembling.She was also surprised, could it be that she was sick?How can you get sick for no reason and feel uncomfortable in your body?

Sankui couldn't help getting closer to him, his slender body was so close to her that the temperature of his body was transmitted to her from time to time.Jiuli looked up, gave him a grateful look, and then smiled at him.He nodded knowingly.The bodies of the two got closer.

After returning home, Jiu Li felt uncomfortable.Sankui took her into the house, covered her with a quilt, and tucked the corners of the quilt well.

It's just that Jiu Li is still cold all over, and his complexion is very bad.

It happened that Qu Feng was visiting her house, and her belly was already slightly protruding. When Jiu Li was helped into the room by San Kui, she felt strange, could it be that she was pregnant?like her?
So she approached Jiuli's room gently, then opened the door and went in.

Sankui was sitting in the clothes, watching Jiuli who was in great pain clutching his abdomen, at a loss as to what to do.Seeing Qu Feng coming in, he stood up.

Like a person who fell into the water in the sea, he seemed to see a flat boat.

Qu Feng looked at Jiuli's shape, curled up, and covered her abdomen with her hands, she knew it should be a woman's business.She pointed outside, signaling Sankui to go out.

Sankui just stood at the door and didn't dare to go too far?

Qu Feng also sat down clutching his abdomen, lifted the quilt, looked at Jiu Li who was curled up, and whispered, "Are you pregnant too?"

As a person who has lived two lifetimes, can he still not know what this sentence means?

She shook her head hastily.

"That's it." When Qu Feng said this, he stood up.Let Jiuli turn around.When Jiu Li turned around, she suddenly saw the bright red mass behind her.Immediately covered his mouth and smiled, "Is this the first time?"

"What?" Jiuli asked.

"That's it, Kuisui."

Jiu Li was startled, she had forgotten about this matter in the busy life here every day.It turned out that she had reached the age of coming to Kuishui.

Just what to do?I can't take medicine.She just said lightly, "My stomach hurts so much."

With a smile in his eyes, Qu Feng walked out with a lot of satisfaction.Looking at Sankui standing outside the door, he said, "Is there any brown sugar at home?"

Sankui shook his head vigorously.In fact, even if there is, he doesn't know, presumably there shouldn't be, otherwise how could Jiuli in the room not know?
"Go and borrow some brown sugar. She just came for sunflower water." Sankui scratched his head, blushing to the base of his neck.

He staggered to Uncle Zhao's house, the family in Xianxia Village, he was more familiar with Uncle Zhao, he rode in his carriage every day, and occasionally chatted a few words.

Aunt Zhao took out her own brown sugar and put it in his hand, she said with a smile on her face, "From now on, Jiu Li will be able to give birth to you, so you should prepare to be a father, and have as many as you want."

This time, Sankui didn't blush with shame and thicken his neck, but felt that his heels were burning.

(End of this chapter)

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