Chapter 283 Riding in a Carriage Together

The Ruan family spent the past few days with the sound of gongs and drums, because Da Lang must have made another success.

The next day, Jiuli and Sankui got up early, and they went to the town together.

Because Liu Hong and San Kui took a number yesterday afternoon, and today they are going to Renhe Medical Center for treatment, Jiu Li is with them.

Shichiro stood outside and lined up early.The three of them took the bullock cart together. Jiuli was riding the bullock cart for the first time this time. The silver taels paid by her family were the same as those of other families, but there were two of her family who often rode the bullock cart. Think about what Mrs. Zhao gave them yesterday. Brown sugar, she gave Uncle Zhao some broken silver.It's equivalent to driving a car for a month.

Uncle Zhao is of course happy?
He doesn't care how many people sit in Jiuli's house anymore.

Ruan Dalang was also in the cart, but he was far away from Jiuli. No matter how far away, they were all in the same bullock cart. How far could it be?
He didn't look at Jiu Li directly, he looked down on Jiu Li.When Jiuli was a fool, he wouldn't look at her directly and feel ashamed; now even if she is well, he won't treat her like Wuniang and Bamei.At the very least, the family is normal, and if you find a husband's family in the future, no matter whether you are rich or poor, your husband-in-law is at least normal.

She is so good, she got a cripple who is stumbling around, and every time she comes last in the exam, saying that she is his sister-in-law, he feels ashamed.

No matter on any occasion, he tried his best not to mention Jiuli, not to get involved with her, and he didn't even look at her.

Seeing the little Jiujiu in his heart, Jiuli didn't even look at him the whole time.

There were a total of nine people in the car, counting Shichiro, the family would be four.He didn't want to be next to Jiuli or Sankui.He was forced to sit next to Shichiro.

Qilang is a fool in his heart, will he take a look at him?Shichiro was ignored the whole time.

Sitting together with such an abnormal family, he felt that it was a torture to go to school every day in a bullock cart.The most important thing is that it is embarrassing that they all have the surname Ruan.A person who can't do Ruan is also related to the Ruan family.He was extremely depressed.

When he arrived in the town, he got off the bullock cart a little earlier, anyway, it was still early, so he walked directly to Yuelu Academy.

Liu Hong was waiting for them at the usual place to get off the bus.Seeing the three of them get off the bullock cart, they walked over in a few steps.Uncle Zhao usually takes care of Sankui, knowing that it is not convenient for him to walk, so he always sends him to the gate of the academy.

Jiuli has always been very grateful to Uncle Zhao, and gave him the usual broken silver.

They got the morning number so that they could spend two days at home to recuperate before the test results came out.Qilang saw that Sankui would not come to the school, but in fact he didn't want to go either.

Fearing that sister Jiuli would be unhappy, she scratched her head and entered Yuelu Academy.It's just that when entering the gate of the college, a few teachers came over on the left, and a wagon pulling dung on the right.

Seeing that he was about to rub Dalang's clothes, Qilang yelled from behind, "Brother, there is a carriage behind."

Da Lang seemed to have heard it, or smelled a strong stench, so he avoided it.He just didn't look back at Shichiro, and walked quickly towards the school.

Liu Hong, who was standing not far away, looked at Qilang who was standing at the entrance of the academy scratching his head in doubt, and couldn't help asking, "Ruan Dalang, Ruan Qilang, are they two brothers?"

Sankui just glanced at Jiuli, Jiuli shook his head and said, "Qilang and I are siblings."

Liu Hong just shook his head, and thought about it seriously, "It seems that Qilang and Dalang really look alike?"

No one responded, and the three walked towards Renhe Medical Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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