Chapter 285

Sankui and Liu Hong only waited for a short while, and then came to them.

Even when Jiuli treated others, she wore a mask and veil, and never reported her real name.It was good at the beginning, but no one mentioned it in Renhe Medical Center.

Through the curtain, Sankui sat on the stool.Jiuli sat inside, asked him to stretch out his hand, then looked carefully, and said, "You need to delay your work for a while, because your tendons are all broken and need to be connected."

Liu Hong stood up suddenly, looked at the person behind the curtain in astonishment, and asked in doubt, "Are you really a miracle doctor? You can really be cured."

Jiuli didn't speak, but the guy at the side spoke for her.Said, "I can only try my best, are you willing to give it a try?"

Before Sankui could reply, Liu Hong, who was sitting next to him, hurriedly said, "I'm willing to give it a try."

Sankui looked at him, but he didn't refuse, he came all the time, and there was nothing he dared to do.

"Then let's go inside." The guy inside called out.

When Sankui entered the room, he took a special look outside. This Jiuli said that he was going to clean the house, where did he go?

Liu Hong let out a long sigh, and said, "You don't have to wait for that unreliable person. You finally get caught, and you may not be so lucky to meet a genius doctor next time."

Knowing his situation, Sankui had no hope at first, but since Liu Hong said so, Jiu Li also came with him.He went into a room inside.

This room is very strange, clean and tidy inside, and has a strange smell.

There is a bed in the middle.

The moment he entered, a guy wearing a white shirt pointed to the bed and said, "Lie down on it first."

Sankui lay obediently on the bed, closed his eyes, the strong pungent smell in the room overflowed his chest, but it was very comfortable to inhale into his nose.

He actually relaxed his whole body and mind, and didn't think about anything.

There was a slight sound of footsteps not far away, and based on the frequency of the steps and the gentleness of the footsteps, he knew it was Jiu Li, and Jiu Li was not far away.

Then there was a pain in my body, as if I had been pricked by a needle.He didn't remember anything after that.

It was just that Jiu Li gave him an injection of anesthetic.

The man went out and shut the door tightly.

Liu Hong sat outside, looking around nervously, how long has it been, Jiu Li went to clean the room and still hasn't come back.I don't know what happened to Sankui inside.

Jiuli touched the tendons in his limbs, and all the tendons were broken.

Although this operation is simple, it is still an operation, and the surrounding carpal bones must be cut open to connect the broken tendons.If she hadn't had this surgery in her previous life, she wouldn't have dared to do it.

This operation requires a high degree of concentration. Due to the long time for picking and breaking, the tendons of the limbs have shrunk and deformed.If you don't do it now, after a while, Sankui may have to lie on the bed, or walk squatting.It will be very troublesome.

After an operation, Jiuli was sweating profusely. Before Sankui woke up, she packed up the small medicine box and ran away from the back door with a basket on her back.

Liu Hong stood at the door and kept rubbing his hands. How long has it been since he went in?Why is there no movement at all?Several times he tried to rush in, but was held back by the guy watching him.

When Jiu Li ran from outside, he was sweating profusely.

Liu Hong looked at her, and asked in surprise, "Did this fall into the latrine and then rush out again?"

Jiu Li smiled, it's not his fault, if it's going to clean the room, it's really long enough.

"Where's Sankui?" She asked nervously.

Liu Hong's voice was cold, he was still angry with Jiu Li, pointed to the inside and said, "It's been inside, I don't know what happened?"

Jiuli charged inside with the basket on her back, when Liu Hong stretched out his hand to stop her.The guy at the door didn't say anything, and let Jiu Li go in.

(End of this chapter)

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