Chapter 290
When Huo Qian entered the mansion, he yelled loudly, "Will that little genius doctor prescribe medicine for me? Do I want to take it?"

In fact, neither the maids nor the servants took Jiuli's status as a 'miracle doctor' seriously, nor did they take it seriously.If it is said to be attractive, Jiuli must have more magical power than their lady Huo Shiyu.

But what about the level of medical skills?
They don't dare to flatter them. The imperial doctor has seen countless people who have lived in the Hou's mansion for a long time. Would they care about this mountain doctor?No matter how good her kung fu is, she will never punish their young lady again.Their medical skills are just like that, it cannot be very high.

The reality is there. A wild child who has lived in the country for a long time can see all the villages in the distance, and the farthest place may be the top of the mountain.I haven't read many books, that is, I know three or two characters, and I may not know one big character.

How is it possible to talk about medical skills?

When Huo Qian clamored to take the medicine prescribed by the 'miracle doctor', they all teased him in front of him. Anyway, his body and bones don't have many days left. The imperial doctor said that with good protection, at most Half a year, if it is not well protected, it will be two months in March.

Do they still care about any medicine?As long as he is happy.

A maid found the oiled paper bag that Shaoyao put on the table. The oiled paper bag was full of sugar pills. Huo Qian didn't like to eat very much when he was young, or sometimes it was difficult to take medicine.Huo Jiang specially invited an imperial chef from the palace who could make sugar balls, and he has been teaching the servants in the Hou's mansion.

Many of these maids and women in the Hou's mansion can make sugar pills, so everyone knows each other, but no one can say anything.

There is no other way for Shaoyao, the sugar pills are all colorful, she specially picked a few white ones and wrapped them together.

The maid took a pill and put it into Huo Qian's mouth. Huo Qian opened his mouth without even looking at it, and sent a sip of water into his stomach.

But when he was swallowing, he suddenly said, "It really is a 'little miracle doctor', why is this pill so sweet? It tastes like a childhood sugar pill."

The little maid suppressed her laughter and remained silent. When she was packing the oil-paper bag, she took a white pill and put it in her mouth. It was sweet and crunchy, and it really was a sugar pill.

She didn't dare to say anything, and put the oil-paper bag away properly.

In this way, Huo Qian stopped all the medicines and only took the 'pill'. From summer to late autumn, he could hardly get out of bed. It was very serious.

Sometimes I have trouble breathing.

Mrs. Hou shed tears every day. Doesn't this mean that if she is properly cared for, she can survive New Year's Eve?This winter hasn't arrived yet, why are you lying in bed and unable to move?

The madam had a slight illness at first, but since Jiu Li gave her a diagnosis and treatment last time and gave her a bottle of medicine, she has been taking it on time, and her body has become much stronger.She obviously felt much better.

She also showed it to Huo Qian, why is it getting heavier and heavier?

Is there something wrong with the medicine?Should I continue to drink Chinese medicine?Finally, when a maid was about to give Huo Qian medicine, Mother Chun noticed the 'pill', how was it different from Mrs. Hou's?

"Ma'am?" Nurse Chun called out, took the 'pill' from the girl's hand, put it in front of Madam Hou, and said, "Look, Ma'am, this pill is round, but yours is flat." Woolen cloth?"

After Chunmao finished speaking, she put it in her mouth and licked it, then chewed the whole thing in her mouth, "Ma'am, this is a sugar pill, where is it a medicine for curing diseases?"

(End of this chapter)

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