Chapter 296
When Jiang Hai went out with Huo Jiang, Huo Jiang's face was black, and he stretched it for a long time. Those who didn't know thought he had experienced something.

Jiang Hai didn't dare to ask, but just followed closely.Someone brought the horse over.The two got on their horses and ran towards Xianxia Temple at full speed.

In late autumn, the top of the mountain is already slightly cool, and many old people are wearing cotton clothes.But Jiang Hai clearly saw the sweat oozing from Lord Hou's forehead.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Hai muttered in his mind, but he didn't dare to ask.

The distance from Xianxia Temple to Hou's Mansion is very short, and it doesn't take much time even on foot.The two reined in their horses and stopped in front of Xianxia Guanmen.

Climb up the long steps and go straight to the entrance of the majestic hall.Two cute big lions squatted on both sides of the hall, with smiles in their eyes, looking at everyone who came here, as if they were going to tell something.

What is the Lord Hou doing here?

Anyway, it's not a good thing, otherwise Master Hou's face wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Could it be that Mrs. Hou has been coming here to offer incense to bless the little Hou Ye, but it didn't work.Master Hou came to demolish the Taoist temple?
He felt it was impossible.If that's the case, surely the two of them can't do it?

The two got off their horses before the steps, and Jiang Hai tied the horse aside.In this kind of luxurious temple, there are often distinguished and distant visitors, so there is a grove beside the steps, which is specially used for storing carriages and tying horses.

Their horses are tied here.

Go up the long steps.Hou Ye walked up step by step, but every step he took, it seemed that his body was shaking.Like something sad.

The door was wide open, maybe today is the day of offering incense, Jiang Hai followed Lord Hou and walked in like this.This is a very elegant small courtyard, full of thousand-year-old tung trees, which testifies to the rich years that this hall has experienced.

The smell of sandalwood is everywhere, and the smoke is rising.

The host aunt was standing in the yard, staring at the thousand-year-old trees in a daze, wondering what she was thinking.

Huo Jiang walked over quickly like this, and Jiang Hai, as his bodyguard, followed closely.

The host aunt has silver hair, but she is hale and hearty, and she doesn't seem to be able to tell her age at all.

"Auntie host!" Master Hou saluted first, and continued, "Huo Jiang, Marquis Wu's mansion, has met auntie host."

The host aunt turned to look at him, with a smile on her face, she was amiable, she took a step forward to support Huo Jiang, and said pleasantly, "I used to see Madam Hou come here to offer incense, but today I finally see Lord Hou."

Hou Ye is a rough person, he doesn't have so many polite words.

He looked around for a while, and saw that two little nuns not far away were cleaning the fallen leaves. At this time, seeing Huo Jiang standing next to the host, he quickly slipped away.

Huo Jiang said calmly, "Huo came here today mainly to inquire about an incident more than ten years ago. At that time, my wife gave birth here and gave birth to twins. Does the host aunt remember this incident?"

The host aunt nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, there was a thunderstorm that day, and it rained all night. At that time, the whole Taoist temple was in a hurry."

"It's really troublesome for the Taoist temple." Huo Jiang hurriedly continued, "At that time, besides the wife who gave birth here, were there other women who gave birth here?"

The host aunt nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, there happened to be a lady passing by the Taoist temple to avoid the rain at that time, because she accidentally fell and gave birth prematurely, and she was also the one who gave birth that night."

(End of this chapter)

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