Chapter 302 Goodbye Fat Auntie

Huo Jiang stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Yuanzi firmly.In fact, he just wanted to scare Xiao Yuanzi, and he would never throw him on the ground.

He was waiting for Xiao Qi to say something. Because Xiao Qi was used to dealing with Huo Shiyu and knew her arrogant and unreasonable temperament, she finally knew who to follow today.

He raised his head and opened his mouth wide in horror, intending to say something.It's just that when he saw the person behind Huo Jiang, he froze instantly and drooped his head.

Who is the person behind Huo Jiang?


After finishing the consultation, Jiuli was worried about Xiao Yuanzi, and immediately left the Renhe Medical Center, first walked around the Renhe Medical Center, then went out of the gate, and walked towards the street.

Because Xiaoyuanzi has been taking medicine, the injury on his head has not fully healed, and it was Jiuli who prepared the Chinese herbal medicine for him.She can distinguish the strong medicinal fragrance even in a medical hall where herbs are mixed.

She followed the strong medicinal scent all the way.

It's just that when passing by a grocery street, a fat lady who sells porcelain pots is cursing here, as if someone broke a porcelain pot in her house.

When Xiaoyuanzi was playing with a slingshot in the backyard, it was fortunate that her family used wooden basins, otherwise she would have replaced several porcelain basins.

Jiuli followed the flow of people and took a step forward, this fat lady is so familiar?Isn't it the first time she sold herbal medicine in the herbal medicine market and gave her a seat?

Because it is not good to ridicule Jiuli's herbal medicine in front of everyone, and Jiuli's herbal medicine has been robbed at high prices, her little heart can't stand the stimulation, so she comes here to sell pots.

No wonder I haven't seen her for a long time.

Jiuli stood among the crowd and glanced at her.Xiao Yuanzi passed by here, she guessed that he did it.

She took out three slings of money from her pocket, intending to buy that porcelain basin.Unexpectedly, the moment her gaze met Jiuli's gaze, she turned around suddenly, turned her back to Jiuli, and shouted loudly, "The porcelain basin is cheap, let's reduce the price."

She didn't want to face Jiuli, or rather, she didn't want to see her.

Jiuli put the hand holding the three slings of money into his pocket again, turned around, and strode forward.After a few steps, she stopped suddenly.

The hand holding the three pennies was slowly lifted up, facing the direction of the fat lady, and flicked it three times.I just heard 'pop', 'pop' and 'pop' three hanging coins landed steadily in the broken basin.

The fat aunt looked in amazement at the three-diao money that fell from the sky. Her porcelain basin could buy two for three-diao money, and a porcelain basin was broken, so there were so many.

"Fat aunt, shouldn't you be breaking the bank? Money is falling from the sky." An old lady next to her said with a smile on her face. She could see clearly when the three hanging coins fell into it just now.

In broad daylight, money was poured from the sky.

The fat aunt didn't speak, but turned her head to look in the direction Jiuli left.She is small and thin, and she is carrying a big pannier.

Where did this money fall from the sky?
Only she has the ability to put this money into her pot like this.

After experiencing Jiuli's incidents personally, she went to Xianxia Village to inquire about Jiuli. This Jiuli was originally a fool.It is said that after eating the wild fruits enshrined on Xianxia Mountain, he was possessed by a fox fairy.

That is, since then, she no longer sells Chinese herbal medicines, but sells medicine jars and porcelain basins instead.

She was afraid of seeing Jiuli.

(End of this chapter)

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