Chapter 305 Miss is not normal

Jiang Hai didn't say a word, and he didn't tell him the truth. He couldn't say that our lady was replaced by mistake, so I'll pick her up, right?
When he was at the well, he had inquired with someone that the silly girl of the Ruan family was born in Xianxia Temple. It was pouring rain that day, and some people were still harvesting rice in the field during the day. Many people saw Sanfang My daughter-in-law went up the mountain with a big belly, and she was definitely born in autumn, the season of harvesting rice.

Isn't it autumn on the second day of October?
The specific date is still a little short, and he still needs to go to Ruan's house to confirm it himself. Before the matter is confirmed, he doesn't want to disclose more, so as not to cause complications.

"What kind of girl is that third-bedroom student?" Jiang Hai sat on the horse slowly, pretending to ask unintentionally.

"I was born stupid, and ugly." Ruan old man has seen the original owner go up the mountain countless times because of driving on the top and foot of the mountain all year round. Her appearance back then has been reflected in his mind, with disheveled hair and shoes , dressed in tatters, always holding snacks in her mouth, and sometimes she didn't know what she was eating.

She really didn't eat less of the tributes from the great immortals on the mountain.

Not much will change now either.

"Still stupid?" Jiang Hai was startled, and said to himself, "Although Mrs. Hou and Lord Hou are not very smart people, they definitely have nothing to do with being stupid. Could it be that I made a mistake again?"

At this time, he raised his caution again.

"It seems. It seems that I am not stupid now." When the old man said this, he hesitated, paused for a long time, shook his head again, and said meaningfully, "Anyway, it's not normal."

Jiang Hai has been thinking hard, is this 'not normal' stupid or not now?
"He's different from ordinary people. Anyway, he's not normal." Old Ruan repeated his avatar after confirming it.

"The heart is good." After a long pause, Mrs. Ruan added again, "She can't eat enough herself, and she has raised many people. A brother of the family, a lame young man, even the young man's My aunt picked them all up, and later adopted a child in the Taoist temple.”

"Oh..." Hearing this, Jiang Hai just responded lightly, isn't it really normal?
Can I eat by myself?What about raising so many idlers?

The key is already married?And the young man is lame.

"Is the young man's family very rich?" Jiang Hai asked suspiciously.

"If the family is rich, can I still take my aunt over? It must be the kind that can't be uncovered."

"Is reading good?" Jiang Hai asked again. His family background is not good, and he is still a cripple. What's wrong with it? There must be something as good, right?

"I'm so old. I was just a child student, which means I was lucky. It is said that I was the last one to get in." When old man Ruan said this, he gained confidence.At that time, everyone in the village laughed at her little husband, who only passed one exam during the exam.Later, with good luck, I got a boy from the bottom one.

"That's handsome?" When Jiang Hai said this, he regretted it again. What do you want such a pretty face for?Is a lame ah?
"It's like steamed buns, so I can't work in the fields anyway." Old Ruan said with a long sigh, "Hey! It's also a fate. Isn't she the breadwinner for so many people in the future?"

"Oh..." Jiang Hai's face flashed with some depression. Fortunately, it was discovered early, and it could still help her. If it was discovered a few years later, wouldn't she be very tired?

In this case, really hurry up and pick it up.

(End of this chapter)

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