Chapter 320 Chasing Mrs. Fan

The two rode their horses and walked a few steps on the street. Huo Jiang suddenly turned his head, looked at him and said, "What does Missy look like? Does she look like Ben Hou or Madam?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment, eating and drinking just now, he actually forgot about it.He reined in the horse, stopped, turned over, pointed to an open space on the side of the road, and said, "Master, let me draw it for you to see."

People from a family like Jiang Hai have been familiar with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood. They may not be very proficient, but they understand a little.Besides, Jiuli's appearance is very distinctive, and the profile is very similar to Mrs. Hou.

The eyes, especially the eyes, are very similar to Lord Hou, so it is much easier to draw.

He squatted on the side of the road, found a branch, and then started to paint freely.When the character in the pen took shape, Lord Hou was stunned for a moment and said, "Why does it look like Mrs. Hou from the side?"

Jiang Hai smiled and said, "It's just that the profile looks like Mrs. Hou, and the eyes are like a master, otherwise how could Jiang Hai draw it?"

Jiang Hai carefully looked at the portrait in front of him, this looks so familiar?
There seemed to be something missing on this face, he picked up a branch and lightly painted on the face, leaving a thick scar.

"Ah?" Jiang Hai yelled, and said, "Master, this painting will lose its color with just one touch."

Huo Jiang shook his head helplessly and said, "It turned out to be her, hurry up and chase after Mrs. Fan."

Jiang Hai has never seen the real Jiuli, and he misses it every time.This Huo Jiang added such a stroke on his face, he didn't know what it meant, anyway, the eldest lady must have a birthmark or scar on her face.

The master must have known him.

The two of them had no time to explain, and quickly ran forward along the snack street.

In just one meal of noodles, Mr. Fan didn't go too far.They quickly caught up with them.

This Mr. Fan knew Huo Jiang, and there were only a few households with status in Xianxia Mountain, who were in his territory. He had never seen him before, but he made inquiries clearly.

When they rushed over, in fact, this Jiuli didn't have any conflicts with this Lord Hou. He just watched Hou Ye lying on the ground, and he didn't expect that Jiuli kicked him to the ground. He thought it was Huo Jiang who was lying on the ground. On the ground, he broke his mouth and had nowhere to vent, so he just found someone to replace him.

He didn't take it seriously either. After he got into the cage, he didn't let the soldiers watch from behind, just pulled the carriage and walked forward.

His original intention was to find a place to release Jiu Li and the others.The key point is that such a young girl still has a child. As the parent officer here, it’s fine if he doesn’t do things for the people. He can’t bully the innocent mountain people, right?
Far away from Huo Jiang's sight, and walked to a secluded place, Mr. Fan, who was sitting in a sedan chair, was about to let Jiu Li out.

Someone came to report, but there was no one in the cage.

At that time, Mrs. Fan's face flashed a strange expression. Is that cage locked?How did she get out?Especially with a four or five year old child.

Just when Mr. Fan was puzzled, Huo Jiang and Jiang Hai rushed to catch up with him.Seeing Huo Jiang and Jiang Hai, he trembled in his heart, and said to himself, "Such a general who travels all over the world, wouldn't he be so stingy? He came back after letting a girl and child go?"

(End of this chapter)

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