Shopkeeper Liu just snorted coldly at him, it was the first time in his life that he treated him so confidently.

In the past, the young master of the Han family village was judged by the doctor to be dead, and he was preparing for the funeral. Wasn't he also "boiled" by Jiuli?

That's 'cooked'.

Shopkeeper Liu was terrified when he thought of this. Could it be that he will be 'cooked' again this time?If we continue to operate like this, there will be no grass left in the Renhe Medical Center.This is the little prince personally appointed by the emperor.

Sweat was soaked on his forehead again, he wiped the sweat off his forehead with his wide sleeve, then turned around in fear, and trotted into the courtyard of the young master.

The action just now has already been captured by the shopkeeper Liu not far away. He smiled playfully and said, "Brother, did you see it? Hearing what I just said, his forehead was sweating." .He doesn’t know what to do.”

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the stone mountain and went, this time he didn't leave.He must see how shopkeeper Liu lost.

Convince this overwhelmed guy to lose.

Shopkeeper Liu secretly leaned on the window and glanced in, seeing that Jiu Li was getting an injection inside.Only then did he let out a long breath of relief.

No matter what method is used for diagnosis and treatment, it cannot be cooked anymore.Otherwise, none of the three of them would be able to get out of this Qingqian Villa.

He walked out arrogantly again, but when he was at the door, he didn't dare to go out, but poked his head and looked out.See if Shopkeeper Liu and Doctor Zhang are still here.

At this time, a few maids rushed over and stood in front of shopkeeper Liu and said, "Shopkeeper Liu, our lady has been seriously injured and can't get up now. Please, Mr. Hou Doctor Zhang is going to take a look."

The imperial doctor is also idle here, anyway, he has not left the Hou Mansion, what happened here will be known after a while.

Doctor Zhang and shopkeeper Liu stood up, carrying the medicine box and hurriedly walked towards Huo Shiyu's small courtyard with a few servants.

The layout of the small courtyard of the Hou Mansion is very interesting.The most conspicuous place, that is, the place equivalent to the central place, is where Huo Shiyu lives.This was supposed to be where the head of the house lived.

But the old Mrs. Hou has never recognized Mrs. Hou. Even in Qingqian Villa, she was unwilling to live in such a conspicuous location. Instead, she picked a very secluded corner and built a small courtyard there.

Usually, it is said that Mrs. Hou's health is not good, she likes to be quiet and doesn't want to be disturbed.In fact, anyone who is a little smarter will see that Mrs. Hou still cares about her status in the Hou Mansion.

The young master Huo Qian also lives in a relatively transparent place, because he needs to recuperate from his illness, so regardless of the location, he only chooses a place that suits him.The location is slightly off from the center, but the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, surrounded by clear springs and shaded by trees, is an excellent holy place for self-cultivation.

A group of people rushed towards Huo Shiyu's residence quickly.

After Huo Shiyu was kicked into a tree just outside the door, he was indeed seriously injured.When she fell to the ground, she could barely stand up, and several guards carried her to her courtyard.

At this time, he was lying on the bed and could not move. Someone had already reported Lord Hou, and he rushed over before he finished his meal.

Lord Hou had already arrived at Qingqian Villa a few days ago.

Because some servants reported to him that the young master's body seems to be unable to withstand the toss.Huo Jiang didn't think about anything, so he brought Jiang Hai straight to the Huo Mansion.

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