Huo Jiang walked slowly in front of Shopkeeper Liu, as if he was thinking about something, and after a few steps, he said slowly, "You have to take care of her more, if there is something that is not well taken care of, it will make her feel wronged , take care of your life."

His words are still calm and natural, just like chatting, is it true that the general kills people so calmly?

He nodded vigorously.

In fact, there is no need for Lord Hou to say that he is very convincing to Jiuli, and he has never been so concerned about his parents.But it is different for Jiuli.

This Marquis Wu probably doesn't know his daughter well yet, right?

Otherwise, such words would not be spoken.

Seeing shopkeeper Liu nodding smoothly, he turned and left.Shopkeeper Liu stood there, watching Lord Hou walk away, and lifted his large sleeved robe to wipe the sweat from his forehead.Then turned around and ran towards the gate at a trot.

He walked all the way along the flower beds and groves, and he didn't know how far he ran.This Qingqian villa is already very big.It's just that when the mansion was first built, Hou Ye Huo Jiang enclosed all the beautiful places, so he didn't even know how big his yard was.

Fortunately, there are many guards, and there are only a few people on the top of the mountain, and almost all of them can be called by name.There will be no safety issues.

Shopkeeper Liu's calf was sore from running, but he hadn't seen the main entrance of Qingqian Villa yet.He and Xiaoqi made an appointment to meet there, and even Jiuli agreed, and she went there to wait for them after her diagnosis and treatment. They must have been waiting impatiently.

Shopkeeper Liu's steps became even bigger.

Mrs. Hou also fell ill because of Huo Qian's body, especially after Huo Qian fell into a coma, Master Hou blocked the news and no one was allowed to tell Mrs. Hou.

Mrs. Hou didn't know that Huo Qian was in a coma, and she didn't tell her when she woke up.She hadn't seen Huo Qian for almost a day, and at this moment, she was walking slowly towards Huo Qian's small courtyard with the support of two maids.

Madam is in poor health, and it is very difficult for her to walk. These servants helped her to walk along the path. The path is closer, and you can enjoy the beautiful early winter scenery along the path.

Just like that, caught off guard.

Shopkeeper Liu was nervous all the way, and suddenly bumped into Mrs. Hou.Fortunately, a few maids were close, and they stretched out their hands to push shopkeeper Liu to the ground, and said angrily, "Where are the dog slaves, don't they have eyes when they walk?"

Shopkeeper Liu was sitting slumped on the ground, his face was covered with sweat, his little heart was beating 'thumping', 'thumping', didn't he look through the almanac when he went out today?

It's really not a good day for traveling. First, I met Lord Hou and then Madam Hou.

He raised his head in horror and looked at the dignified and beautiful lady in front of him. She was still so beautiful, but she was more charming than ten years ago.The profile of the face is still so beautiful and delicate.

The sickness at this time is even more pitiful to me.

It's no wonder that Lord Hou would rather bear everything than marry her back then.

This is really a woman who makes people abandon everything and is desperate.

"Bold slave, you dare to look directly at our wife!" A maid kicked him to the ground and roared angrily.

Madam Hou's body was weak, panting at this moment, she waved her hand at them and said, "Forget it, he didn't mean it either."

Shopkeeper Liu hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Madam Hou, "Thank you Madam for your generosity, thank you Madam!"

Mrs. Hou just smiled faintly, then was supported by a few maids, and left slowly.

Shopkeeper Liu knelt on the ground, watched them walk away, and couldn't help sighing, "What a tolerant and benevolent lady!"

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