Chapter 356 Help Mrs. Hou detoxify
Just when Huo Jiang's seven-section whip struck again, Mrs. Hou suddenly lay on the bedside, and vomited out a mouthful of sewage mixed with food residue in her stomach.

Doctor Zhang came in with a small medicine box at this time. He was sweating profusely and came in panting because he was chasing Lord Hou.

He saw Jiuli standing there at a glance, especially the tube in her hand.He has recorded the method of cleaning poison countless times in his medical circle.But never thought it could be like this?Especially those nobles and ladies in the palace, they were poisoned if they were not careful, and once they were poisoned, there was no cure.Now I finally understand that my medical skills are not superb.

This is really a miracle doctor!

He has practiced medicine for several years, and in front of this young doctor, he was so impressed that he threw himself to the ground.

The moment he came in, he saw Mrs. Hou spit out a mouthful of sewage.It was dark, dirty, and mixed with a foul smell.

With many years of experience in medical practice and the judgment of dealing with Chinese herbal medicines, he immediately knew that Mrs. Hou had been poisoned, and that the poison was mixed with Nuxynum seed and croton powder. Clearing out the poison in the intestines internally will cause the person to perforate the intestines and die within a short period of time.

Jiuli bent down and patted Mrs. Hou's back, so that all the medicine in her stomach would be washed out.Seeing her still go her own way.

The whip in Master Hou's hand lashed her hard again. Jiu Li's old white clothes, which had already been washed, were not very strong. After two whips, the clothes were torn in two places.

But she still didn't move.

Then he changed Madam Hou's position and pressed her abdomen hard, causing all the poisonous water in her abdomen to vomit out.

By the time Jiuli finished all this, she had already received three whips heavily on her body.

This kind of treasure-like whip can tear people's skin apart with one whip, and two whips are basically unintuitive.Three whips is a deadly style of play.Very few will survive.

She was still standing there, calmly helping Madam Hou to lie down, and using her clothes to wipe off the residue from her hair.

"You killed her?" Huo Jiang yelled at Jiuli, when he raised his whip again.

Doctor Zhang on one side suddenly knelt down on the ground, hugged Master Hou's hand, and said in a begging tone, "Master Hou, is she saving Madam? If you keep beating me, Madam will die." .”

Huo Jiang's hand holding the whip stopped in mid-air, and stopped there abruptly, not knowing what to do.

"Mrs. Hou was poisoned by the highly poisonous nuxon seed and croton powder. If this little doctor hadn't cleaned the stomach and intestines, Mrs. Hou would have died at this time."

Doctor Zhang helped Huo Jiang's hand to stand up, pointed to the residues in front of the bed, and said, "Most of these residues are the medicine used by Madam to nourish the stomach, but they are mixed with poison to kill Madam."

Huo Jiang turned around suddenly, looked at the two maids kneeling on the ground, pointed at them, as if eating their tone, and said angrily, "Who let you go?"

The two were trembling and didn't know how to answer for a long time.

Huo Jiang said to the servants behind him, his voice was like a ghost roaring, "Take these two slaves out and beat them to death with sticks!"

At this time, a little girl woke up first, and she said tremblingly, "Master Li, she sent us away from the medicine Nanny Li gave just now, and asked us to go to the back kitchen to serve porridge. She is here alone. The one who feeds the medicine, when we come back with the porridge, she's not here anymore."

"Go and pull Nanny Li over here!" Huo Jiang roared at the people behind him!

Several guards came out of Mrs. Hou's courtyard like a breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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