Chapter 358
After Nanny Li was poisoned, she knew that she could no longer stay in Qingqian Villa.Now that you have agreed to do this, you are mentally prepared.

As long as things worked out, she didn't care about anything else.

When the maid desperately yelled in the yard that there was an assassin in Mrs. Hou's yard, she knew she had succeeded, and who she had succeeded in framing.

She already knew that she could no longer live, but it was a minute earlier and a minute later.That being the case, why did they have to wait for the people from the Hou Mansion to find her and beat her to death with sticks?
She pulled a packet of poison from her sleeve again.

When someone spent money to give her poison, he was afraid that she would not succeed, so he gave her two doses of medicine, two chances.Give that portion to Mrs. Hou, and keep this portion for yourself.

She slowly opened the white oiled paper package, the white medicine surface was a little dazzling in the sun.She knew that as long as she ate it herself, she would bid farewell to this world forever.

She spent most of her life in the Hou's mansion.Although she didn't enjoy any glory and wealth, the people in the Hou Mansion didn't treat her badly.

Compared with those peasant women in the village, she is living in heaven.

She ended up killing Mrs. Hou.

This is her retribution!
Think of Mrs. Hou's loving face, generous and gentle.She has never treated anyone in the Hou Mansion badly, and finally ended her life in this way.

She felt very guilty.

"Ma'am, if there is an afterlife! Then let the servants be your cows and horses!"

She raised her head and put the medicine in her mouth.Leaning against a big tree, he slowly closed his eyes.

In a short time, she felt like thousands of ants were gnawing at her internal organs, and then it became more and more intense.She was foaming at the mouth, twisting and curling up violently.

When the servants found her, she was still rolling on the ground, struggling and moaning in pain.

The young servants didn't have a good relationship with her at first, and they didn't worry too much, so they carried her and ran quickly into Mrs. Hou's small courtyard.

After being carried into Mrs. Hou's small courtyard, Nanny Li's body was already stiff and cold.

"Master Hou. Mother Li has been found." The servants stood in the yard and replied to Huo Jiang in the hall.

Huo Jiang and Zhang Yuyi were talking about something. Zhang Yuyi was going back to Beijing, and I'm afraid he didn't plan to leave anytime soon. It was the first time he saw Jiuli's method of removing poisonous juice, and he didn't come here. Have you seen it in any medical book?He must learn.

If there is something I don't understand, I plan to go down the mountain to the Renhe Medical Center to find my junior shopkeeper Liu. The 'little genius doctor' was brought up by my junior shopkeeper Liu. If you find him, you will find her.

When Huo Jiang heard the report from the boys in the yard, he quickly stood up and walked towards the yard.

There was a maid in the yard, and someone called out, "Is Mother Li out of breath?"

Physician Zhang stood up vigilantly, and walked into the yard with a few steps.I saw Nanny Li lying there upright, already out of breath.

Doctor Zhang cautiously approached a few steps, bent down, and carefully discerned the residue of medicine left in her mouth, as well as the medicine particles stained on her clothes.

He straightened up, and said in a gentle voice, "She also took a packet of the same poison as Mrs. Hou, but no one rescued her, and she is now dead."

"Ah?" Hou Ye looked at Nanny Li who was lying stiffly on the ground in shock, and yelled at the servants, "Take it out and throw it away."

The servants hurriedly carried Madam Li out.

Huo Jiang's face changed at this time, he said in a nervous voice, "Madam's poison is the same as hers?"

Doctor Zhang nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I'd like to thank that 'little doctor' for his timely treatment. If it takes a while, Mrs. Hou will be in danger."

Doctor Zhang didn't say anything after that, so apart from that 'little miracle doctor', no doctor here can save Mrs. Hou.

This kind of thing has never happened in the palace. Wasn't a former imperial concubine poisoned by others and died in front of the emperor?
(End of this chapter)

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