Xiao Qi drove the carriage and rushed down the mountain at high speed.

Huo Jiang and Jiang Hai had already arrived at Xianxia Village.

This time Huo Jiang still didn't show up. He found a big rock and sat down at the foot of a mountain in Xianxia Village.Jiang Hai tied up the two horses.

He walked in the village on foot.

If he was dressed in such a luxurious way and walked around the village with a tall horse, no matter how he pretended to be kind, these mountain people would avoid him.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he walked directly.Walking in the village on foot, ask as many people as you can.

I asked about four or five people, and everyone's opinions are very consistent.That is, when Jiuli was very young, she was regarded as the apple of her eye by the couple of Sanfang.When they were about four years old, the three-bedroom couple passed away one after another.

This 'Silly Jiuli' became an orphan. Although she also ate at the Ruan family, the old lady and the two aunts of the Ruan family didn't like her very much.

In addition to beating and scolding, he was tortured.

When I was a little older, I came out to live alone. When I was young, I bought a husband from a human trafficker and got married hastily.When Jiang Hai brought these news to Huo Jiang.

Huo Jiang was leaning on a big rock. He suddenly picked up a big rock on the ground, crushed it into fine pieces, and said angrily, "This Marquis wants to crush those wolf-hearted people from the Ruan family to death!"

Jiang Hai hurriedly dissuaded him, "Master, isn't this young lady pretty good? Life is not too bad. Although the young man was sold by human teeth, if the young lady doesn't like it, it seems that no one can force him to her?"

Huo Jiang couldn't help nodding when he heard this, and said, "That's right, if she doesn't agree, how can that young man live in her house all the time?"

"The villagers in the village have all responded that the current eldest lady is doing very well. Even the little husband is also good. The two of them live together in this village beautifully. The days are getting more and more prosperous." Jiang Hai said here I tried to convey all the news I got to Huo Jiang as much as possible.

Huo Jiang thought again when Jiuli was treating Mrs. Hou, her little hands covered with calluses and frostbite seemed to be full of scars and scratches.

Tears could not help falling down.

Jiang Hai looked at his Lord Hou crying so sadly, felt sorry for his daughter, and said to himself, "Who said Lord Hou doesn't love Missy anymore? Didn't he also cry in distress? Whose flesh and blood can not be hurt?" ?”

At this moment, Huo Jiang suddenly raised his head, stared at Jiang Hai, and said, "If Second Miss Shiyu lives alone here, can she survive?"

Jiang Hai shook his head without any consideration and said, "No!"

Huo Jiang let out a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help saying, "Fortunately, it's Jiuli, if Shiyu must have died here very early."

Jiang Hai looked at his master in astonishment, how could anyone be glad that his own flesh and blood lived in such a place?Such a father is really rare.

He secretly prayed in his heart, "Ma'am, you should know soon, your own daughter is suffering here, Lord Hou doesn't care about it."

Looking at Jiang Hai with a somewhat disappointed look.He stood up and said, "Let's go directly to Ruan's house."

Jiang Hai walked ahead, with a puzzled look on his face, he said to himself, "Aren't you planning to take Miss back home? Why did you go to Ruan's house in person again?"

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