Chapter 381

Luo Sankui limped out of the academy, and Uncle Zhao's ox cart had already left.

Uncle Zhao has two scheduled ox carts every day, one is when they go to school in the morning, and the other is when their school is over. Obviously he wasted too much time in Dean Xiao Jiang's courtyard, and Uncle Zhao has already driven He left in a bullock cart.

Luo Sankui could only walk back.

Just like this way of walking, like a snail crawling, I don't know when I will get to Xianxia Village.

After walking for about half an hour, I hardly walked out of the street in front of Yuelu Academy.

But Luo Sankui still walked unhurriedly, as if he didn't have to worry about anything at all, his steps were still so calm and calm.

"Do you want to take you for a while?" A carriage suddenly appeared behind Luo Sankui, as if falling from the sky, Luo Sankui turned around slowly, looking at a luxurious carriage parked beside him.

This is the most luxurious carriage he has seen in Xianxia Village. Even on the road in the evening, it is still resplendent and resplendent, as if walking from the sunset.

The person who spoke was a man with the appearance of a book boy, about fourteen or fifteen years old, very thin, but very smart at first glance, he tilted his head and looked at Luo Sankui.Waiting for his reply.

Originally, his young master was sitting in the carriage well, but when he saw such a limping person in front of him, his obsessive-compulsive disorder came up, and he insisted on giving him a ride, so he had to stop the car and ask.What if people don't sit down?
Sankui smiled, did not refuse, and really boarded his family's carriage.

When he got into the carriage, it was Zhuo Wailang, who was quite famous in Xianxia Town, sitting in it. The son of a rich family, Zhuo Wailang was dressed luxuriously. They are all very particular, not inferior to those young masters in the capital.

"Where are you going back?" Zhuo Wailang asked straight to the point without using any extra words when he saw Luo Sankui.

"Xianxia Village." Luo Sankui replied without hesitation.

Zhuo Wailang is from Zhuojiazhai. Zhuojiazhai is not very far from Dexianxia Village. Sometimes when Zhuo Wailang returns to the village, he will go around Xianxia Village on purpose. One is to go for a drive; the other is to like those people Staring at him with envious and longing eyes, he has a condescending feeling.

In his heart, it seems that Xianxia Village is his village.

Zhuo Wailang turned his head and asked the book boy outside, "Little boy, what's the name of that little idiot who called me my husband in Xianxia Village all day long?"

"It's called Jiuli, Jiuli little fool." The book boy in front answered without hesitation.

Zhuo Wailang turned around again, stared at Luo Sankui, and said, "There is a little fool in your Xianxia Village named Ruan Jiuli. He is not very smart. He follows my carriage all day long and always calls me Mr. Gong."

After finishing speaking, he smiled hey.

Luo Sankui sat there very calmly, with an extremely calm expression, he shook his head and said, "I don't know this person."

"How can you not know him?" The boy in front quickly replied, "The little fool in your village, who goes to the mountains to eat wild fruits all day long, wears tattered clothes all day long, and is said to be married. Oops! I don't know who doesn't have long eyes, how could he marry a fool and go back?"

During the gap between the words, the carriage had already gone a long way.

Sankui turned his head and looked out the window, he was going to go down.

However, at the moment when his head poked out, he actually saw Ruan Dalang walking slowly.

He also walked back from Xianxia Town?
He didn't take Uncle Zhao's carriage?

(End of this chapter)

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