Chapter 383 A Plum Blossom

At that moment, Ruan Dalang felt a little proud.At least Zhuo Wailang didn't let Sankui guess what was in that box.

What does it mean?
It means that he is not worthy, or he has no emotion, and he is not worthy to know this at all, and he doesn't understand.

"Words or paintings." Ruan Dalang replied without thinking.

"No!" After Zhuo Wailang finished speaking, he opened the box with some excitement, and said excitedly, "Today I will show you this new gadget, it is said to be priceless."

Ruan Dalang was confused, and asked tentatively, "Could it be jewelry?"

Zhuo Wailang just smiled and said, "Only good things are worthy of this elegant box."

Not words, not pictures, not jewelry.Ruan Dalang didn't know how to guess.

Zhuo Wailang had already opened the delicate little box at this time, and a burst of fresh fragrance rushed over in an instant.Lying in the box was a pink plum blossom branch, which had already been made into a specimen at this time due to its withering, and was carefully framed.

Ruan Dalang looked at the lifelike flower branch in astonishment, and asked in doubt, "Brother Zhuo, did you draw this? How does it look real?"

Zhuo Wailang had a bright smile on his face, and then he was a little confused, and said, "The top students in Yuelu Academy like you think it's a painting, and it's lifelike. In fact, I thought so too at the beginning. It's not a painting, it's a painting." It is a plum of 'Iljimae'. Since 'Iljimae' died, his flowers have become priceless treasures. People are proud to own his things. Especially the 'plum blossom', which can be collected."

When the two were talking about the small box, Sankui didn't look up. Since it was for Ruan Dalang's appreciation, he pretended not to hear it, and had already closed his eyes.

But just now when the strange fragrance came, and then the word "Yizhimei" was mentioned, he suddenly froze for a moment, and his closed eyes opened instantly.

He moved his body abruptly. At that moment, even Zhuo Wailang couldn't help but glanced at him, wondering, "Why is this brother so excited when he heard 'Yizhimei'? Have you heard of it? The title of 'Iljimae'?"

Sankui just didn't speak, smiled slightly, glanced at the framed plum blossom, and closed his eyes again.

Ruan Dalang gave him a hard look, and said to himself, "This Mrs. Weng is really blind. How could he fall in love with such a pig-like student? He doesn't understand anything, even painting, and he doesn't understand anything. He is also very good at pretending!"

"This is a plum blossom left by the 'Yizhimei' in the capital after every murder. My father specially bought it from a high-ranking official at a high price."

"Wow?" Ruan Dalang shouted loudly, "Can you buy such things?"

Zhuo Wailang looked proud, a little bit proud, and said, "If the silver you pay is enough to impress people, you can buy whatever you want."

When Ruan Dalang heard these words, he was stunned suddenly, and said to himself, "Could it be that little fool Jiuli gave money to Teacher Weng Ji? Otherwise, how could he have chosen Sankui?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt relieved, and said to himself, "Tomorrow, I will sue Dean Xiao Jiang! To make you proud, this kind of style is simply a disaster for Yuelu Academy."

At this time, San Kui suddenly came and said, "The framed plum blossom is fake, it was not used by the 'Yizhimei' at all."

(End of this chapter)

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