After Zhuo Wailang returned home, he first visited his parents.After his mother went out, he finally had a chance to be alone with his father.

Although their family has minerals, 5000 taels of gold is not a small amount. Who would deceive his father so blatantly?
Because of Zhuo's family's financial resources, the nearby villagers nicknamed his father "Zhuo Wansan". There are friends who are officials in the palace.

People around him respect him.

He saw that after Zhuo Wailang came back from traveling, he usually went back to his residence after greeting him, but this time he refused to leave for a long time, as if there was something wrong?
In Zhuo Wansan's understanding, it might be his young master who spent all his money, begging for money here, and deliberately waiting for his mother to leave.

Seeing that Zhuo Wailang didn't speak for a long time, he cleared his throat and said, "Tell me, how much do you want this time?"

Zhuo Wailang looked at his father in a daze, then shook his head, approached Zhuo Wansan, bent down, and said in a low voice, "Father, who did you buy the 'one plum blossom' in your precious box from?" ?”

Zhuo Wansan stared at him in a daze, his small eyeballs rolled a few times, and asked in puzzlement, "What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Zhuo Wailang didn't beat around the bush again, and still said in a low voice, "On the way back today, I opened that box, and a young man said it was a fake."

"Impossible!" Zhuo Wansan threw down the two copper bells in his hand, and said angrily, "What does a young man know? How does he know it's fake? Unless he is Yizhimei herself"

When Zhuo Wailang heard these words, he suddenly squatted down on a chair beside him. He was so young, how could he be so sure that the 'a plum blossom' in this box was fake?unless he is himself
Zhuo Wailang frowned, his mind was full of images, but how could this be possible?
"Father, what happened to that Yizhimei?" Zhuo Wailang asked again, although there were many rumors outside and he had heard a lot, but he still wanted to hear his father say it again.

Zhuo Sanwan took a quick look around the spacious and magnificent courtyard of their house, he carefully arranged it?Without his meticulous planning and collusion with these officials, how could he be the current 'Zhuo Wansan'?

"It's a good thing he died, otherwise, the wealth of our family would have been targeted by him sooner or later." When he said this, he let out a breath slowly, and said with some regret, "I'm a prince. Just be his prince in the palace, you have to meddle in other things, talk about robbing the rich and helping the poor, punishing corrupt officials and so on, do you think those officials in the palace who benefited will let him go? As long as there is a chance, they will Put him to death."

Zhuo Wailang was stunned for a moment, then said again, "Father, how did that prince Yizhimei die?" In fact, he is not that interested in this Yizhimei, as long as he knows his deeds.It would be nice to know that he is a rare civil and military genius.

As for the others, he really hasn't inquired about them, so what happened to him today?

Why do you have to know how Iljimae died?
Could it be because that Luo Sankui happened to be somewhat mysterious?

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