After Ruan Dalang returned home, his face was particularly ugly.

Moreover, he came back today later than before. Mrs. Ruan was very anxious and had already stood at the foot of the mountain waiting for Mr. Zhao's car for a long time.

Uncle Zhao's bullock cart has arrived, only Qilang got off from it, Sankui and Dalang are not sitting on it.

Why is this Shichiro also his own son?
Although the relationship has been severed, although dozens of taels of silver were sold to Jiuli, it is still the flesh that fell from her body.Among the people in this car, she and Qilang are the closest, aren't they?
She walked up a few steps and ran towards Qilang who had just got off the car.

At this time, Qilang saw her standing there from a distance and hid.Ruan Erniang wanted to catch Qilang, can she catch him?Qilang, who is like a monkey, grew up in the mountains since he was a child. His body is so agile. He used to eat poorly and was sallow and emaciated. Now that he lives with Jiuli, he can eat big fish and meat every day, but at least he can eat enough.

There are so many vegetables in the backyard, and Sister Jiuli often goes up the mountain to hunt pheasants, and occasionally there is meat. His complexion is much better now, and he is more powerful.

When Er Niang Ruan stretched out her hand to grab him, he suddenly twisted his body and dodged.Then he ran home quickly along the mountain road, and went to find Jiuli.

The second lady Ruan stood there for a while, and the people who got off the bus went home one after another.

She had to stop Uncle Zhao's ox cart, and said, "Brother Zhao, where is our Da Lang? Why didn't you come back in an ox cart today?"

Uncle Zhao shook his head helplessly, and he also said with a confused face, "I don't know what happened to these two children. I didn't see them when Yuelu Academy was out of school. I haven't seen them come back after waiting for a long time. Others People are also in a hurry to go home, so I can only drive the ox cart back? I should have arrived home at this point, but I walked very slowly along the way, and I didn’t see them.”

Second Lady Ruan murmured in her heart that the two children Uncle Zhao was talking about must be Luo Sankui and Ruan Dalang.When she sent Ruan Dalang to wait for the bus this morning, she saw Qilang occupying a place for him here.He didn't come back either, and she suddenly felt less nervous.

Uncle Zhao can only say so much, he will continue to drive tomorrow, at this point he must go home to eat and rest.After speaking, he drove the bullock cart away.

There is only Ruan Erniang alone in the place waiting for the bus, and she doesn't know what's going on at the academy, so she wants to ask Qilang what's going on, but this bastard doesn't talk to her at all, and turns away and runs away, and she can't catch up with him anymore Jiuli went home.

Since Ruan Wuniang was hanged from a tree by Jiuli last time, people from the Ruan family have basically never stepped into the door of Jiuli's house. Sometimes they don't even want to mention it, which affects their mood.

She is now the daughter of the Hou Mansion, as if she doesn't know it?

Since they didn't intend to recognize her, there was no need for them to get close to Jiu Litao.Anyway, that girl is very weird, and she will respond to what she says lightly or harshly.

That being the case, Mrs. Ruan has already spoken, so she might as well hide away.

So, after she stood there for a while, she didn't dare to go to Jiuli's door to ask Qilang what was going on, so she hurried home.

The dinner at the house has already been prepared, and it has already been placed on the table. Da Lang won't come, and no one is in the mood to eat it.

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