Madam Hou and Nanny Chun are thinking about this matter.

Mother Chun's body is already in good health, Madam Hou's health has obviously improved, her mentality is good, the medicine is effective, and she wants to thank Jiu Li very much, so she is very particular about eating and drinking.It only takes two days to go to Xianxia Village. Anyway, it's a horse-drawn carriage, so it won't be too busy.

The two were talking and laughing and chatting about bringing something.

It was at this time that Huo Shiyu approached this courtyard. The little girl she brought was Haitang, whom Huo Shiyu could afford, and she picked the most pleasing one out of a dozen girls. She never asked I didn't mention her previous name, but just gave her a flower name casually, so that it would be convenient and easy to remember.

When Huo Shiyu approached Mrs. Hou and the others, Xiao Haitang followed closely.

"Missy is here?" Nurse Chun stood up and greeted Huo Shiyu. Although she didn't like Huo Shiyu, she understood the etiquette between the superior and the humble, because she loved her master, and she couldn't give it to him. What handle is left is not.

Huo Shiyu smiled and saluted her.

Although Mother Chun is a servant, she is an elder, and Mrs. Hou will never treat her like a real person.

Even if this Huo Shiyu doesn't like to see her anymore, she has to return the courtesy.If she meets Mother Chun on the road, she will hide if she can and try not to see Mother Chun.

But not now?
Madam Chun has the right to speak in Mrs. Hou's courtyard.

Most of the time, Sister Chun has the final say on matters big and small in this courtyard, as well as those matters assigned by the servants.Before she came, the whole Qingqian Villa was in the hands of Mother Chun.

Since she came, because she didn't respect Mrs. Hou a few times, Madam Chun has some opinions on her.In fact, it was like a mirror in her heart, it was Mother Chun who wanted her to return to Beijing quickly, her existence made the current Qingqian Villa a mess.

But she also knew in her heart that she didn't like this Nanny Chun very much, and everything was just a matter of etiquette and face.After all, she didn't leave the court, if these things are passed on to her future husband's family, how can she discipline her servants in the future?How can it be prestige and persuasive?

Therefore, she will not go too far in many things.

As long as this Jiuli is killed, she will return to Beijing immediately.She doesn't like it very much here, and she won't come here in the future.

That's how she planned, and it was because of this that she came here.Otherwise, she wouldn't bother to come to Madam Hou's remote courtyard.

With the favor of the imperial concubine Ming in the palace and the old Mrs. Hou's favor, who would she care about in this Qingqian Villa?Who will be afraid of?

Old Madam Hou didn't like Madam Hou. If she loved her grandmother, she couldn't get too close to Madam Hou. After all, she would rely on the Hou's Mansion in the capital to find her in-law's family, not this Qingqian Villa in the wilderness.

Thinking of this, Huo Shiyu felt confident.

Nanny Chun was sitting there with Mrs. Hou just now, she stood up and motioned Huo Shiyu to sit down.Huo Shiyu had something in mind to ask Mrs. Hou, if she would sit down as if she didn't understand anything, but how dare she today?
She asked Mother Chun to sit down, and then motioned to Xiao Haitang to move another stool out.

Xiao Haitang turned around and entered the courtyard, and after a while, she came over with a small and exquisite stool, and placed it on Madam Hou's side.

Huo Shiyu sat down obediently, next to Mrs. Hou.

Madam Hou tilted her head and looked at Huo Shiyu sitting beside her with gentle eyes, her eyes were full of doting.Although she is not very satisfied with many of her practices, this is her own flesh and blood after all, isn't it?

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