Madam Chun felt Madam Hou's body getting colder and stiffer, she shook Madam Hou vigorously, and said loudly, "Madam? Madam? Madam?"

Madam Hou didn't seem to hear, her body was still getting cold little by little.When Doctor Zhang left Qingqian Villa, he specially taught Madam Chun a few tips on first aid.

Madam Hou's heart is not very good, so she cannot be stimulated too strongly.I really didn't pay attention to it just now, I didn't expect the news brought by Huo Shiyu to be so shocking.

Sister Chun pressed her hands on Mrs. Hou's chest, pressed several times regularly, then picked her up again, and kept stroking her chest.

In the warm sunshine, Mrs. Hou finally woke up.She let out a long breath, and then began to choke with sobs, "Ah Chun, why do you think my life is so hard? I have been wrong since I was a child. It is said that the two of them are siblings, so they should be closer than other brothers and sisters." That's right? But Qian'er has never gotten along with her since she was a child. The two of them have never had a good time, even as a pair of little friends, I also feel that we are always at odds with her, and now I finally understand why."

Mother Chun quickly comforted Madam Hou and said, "Madam, I don't know what's going on. Maybe Master Hou really lost something precious."

Mrs. Hou shook her head vigorously and said, "Impossible. I still understand Master Hou. Gold, silver and jewelry are impossible, and weapons are also impossible. Only..."

When Mrs. Hou said this, she paused and said, "When I was giving birth in Xianxia Temple more than ten years ago, I heard that a mountain woman passed by here, fell on the steps and gave birth prematurely, so she also told me I gave birth on the same day. At that time, she gave birth in the house on the west side, and I used the one on the east side. When people told me the news, they knew that she had given birth to a girl. This is also a kind of fate, and I plan to I met her. I didn’t know that she got up the next day and left with the baby in her arms. I never saw her again. If it’s really wrong, only Shiyu and the mountain woman’s child were wrong.”

When Mrs. Hou said this, her whole body began to tremble.

Mother Chun quickly comforted her and said, "Ma'am, is this a matter of nothing? Aren't you thinking wildly?" When Mother Chun said this, she also felt a little uneasy.

Mrs. Hou shook her head vigorously and said, "No! It's very possible! Why has Lord Hou been searching behind my back? If it was something else, he would have told me a long time ago? Why is he looking for it in the village? Most of them are looking for that mountain. Wife, so the child we gave birth was really carried away by her."

Thinking of what kind of life my children lived in the mountain village, they may be covered in bruises, or they may no longer exist.

Madam Hou began to cry loudly. She was going to Xianxia Village that night. Even if she went door to door, she wanted to find the mountain woman and her daughter.

Sister Chun managed to comfort her, saying that she was going to Xianxia Village early tomorrow morning.After thanking Mr. Jiuli, he went to Xianxia Village to look for the mountain woman one by one.

Madam Hou didn't sleep well all night, tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep.Grandma Chun didn't dare to stay too far away, she just lay beside Mrs. Hou.

When she asks a question, she can answer it immediately.

But most of the questions were about her biological daughter.

Sister Chun didn't dare to answer too much, this is a matter of speculation, what if it's not?When Lord Hou gets angry at that time, she dare not talk nonsense.

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