Huo Shiyu and Xiao Haitang walked slowly along the flower pond towards their own courtyard. The place where she lived was the center of the entire Qingqian Villa.

This was supposed to be the place where the housewife lived, but Mrs. Hou would not come here. Mrs. Hou didn't know whether she really dared or didn't want to live here, so she gave Shiyu to live here.

Qingqian Villa is very big, and it takes a long time to walk from the courtyard in the northeast corner where Mrs. Hou lives to where she lives.

She never cared about it before, but after Xiao Haitang said those words just now, she was trembling all over.It feels like everything in the Hou Mansion is so far away. The Qingqian Villa, which she once hated so much, is actually far from what she can afford.

Lord Hou was looking for a child in Xianxia Village. If it was true, she should have been that wild girl.

Thinking of this, she began to feel chills all over.

So when was her identity determined?
She remembered that some time ago, doctor Zhang Yu came to Qingqian Villa, saying that he was making medicine for Qian'er, but she had drawn a lot of blood, and had done it several times.

Could it be because her blood type doesn't match Qian'er's?
Thinking of this, she suddenly stopped, and turned her head again to look at Xiao Haitang behind her like a torch. Xiao Haitang was terrified.

What happened to her master today?
Always startled, absent-minded, as if something is about to happen.It was the first time she had seen such a young lady.

"Let's go around the courtyard of the young master." Huo Shiyu said to him, trying to hide his composure, "See if his condition has improved."

When Xiao Haitang heard this, she was a little puzzled and said, "Miss, don't you like going to that yard?"

Huo Shiyu was in a bad mood, if she said this sentence normally, she would have said it, but today was different, she urgently needed to prove something.

She gave her a hard look, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, after a while, after arriving at the courtyard of the young master, I will specifically ask a few of his personal servants, and ask them if they have taken the medicine primer."

"Yes." Xiao Haitang replied with some trepidation.

This problem is not a big problem, nor is it difficult. Why does the lady seem to be terrified?

Although Huo Qian is weak in body and bones, he is in a good state of mind, and he can already bask in the sun at this time.Several servants around him teased him to play.

He leaned on the soft sedan chair, watching them fight with a cat and a puppy in the yard, Huo Qian was amused and laughed, his body bones kept trembling, like leaves swaying gently in the spring breeze, that is Do not fall down.

Huo Shiyu and Xiao Haitang came in at this time.

As soon as they entered the yard, the young master Huo Qian saw them. Knowing that his medicine was thrown into the stinky ditch by Huo Shiyu, he even used sugar pills instead, which almost killed him.

The last trace of affection he had for Huo Shiyu disappeared, and the two had almost no interaction.He would not step into her courtyard at once, if she came like this, he would not welcome her.

He immediately turned his head and said to the servant behind him, "Protect the medicine prescribed by the 'little genius doctor' to Lord Ben Hou. If anyone makes another mistake, it will end the same as that peony a few days ago."

Several servants rushed into the house, guarding the white pills that Jiuli had prescribed for him. They didn't dare to blink their eyes, for fear that something might go wrong.

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